Scenario: When Kaliban loses his temper

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Scene: It's an ordinary day at UA high school. It's lunch time, and Sylvie is in line getting herself some ramen. A random boy with a porcelain complexion, short black hair, and brown eyes has walked up behind Sylvie

Random boy: Hey there~

Sylvie: *turns around, smiles* Oh, hello!

~The random boy smiles, not realizing that Kaliban is standing not too far behind them, growling threateningly under his breath~

Random boy: You got a name, sweetheart~?

Sylvie: Um, my name's Sylvie Todoroki, but please call me Sylvie!

Random boy: *smirks, places his hands on Sylvie's waist, leans closer to her* How about I call you... baby?

Rachel: *mumbles under her breath* Oh no...

Astra: *whispers* Here we go again...

~Kaliban leaps in front of Sylvie and shoves the boy off of her, glaring at him*


Random boy: *chuckles* What're you gonna do about it, weirdo?

Apollo: *whispers* Wrong answer, pal.

Kaliban: *grabs the boy by the throat, lifts him in the air, punches him in the face with his free hand*

Sylvie: Kaliban, please, stop it!

Kaliban: *Ignore Sylvie, keeps punching the boy*

~Time skip to 15 minutes later; Deku, Bakugo and Kaliban are sitting in the principal's office~

Principal Nezu: *sighs* Mr. Bakugou, Mr. Midoriya-Bakugou, your son got into a fight with another male student at lunch today...

Deku: *sighs, facepalms* Not again...

Bakugou: *grins proudly, ruffles Kaliban's hair* Heh heh, that's my boy!

Deku: *grumbles* Really, Kacchan? You've got to stop encouraging him! *turns to Kaliban* Seriously, buddy, you've got to control your temper!

Kaliban: But Dad, he was flirting with Sylvie! I can't just stand there and let some random guy take my girl!

Deku: *sighs, places his hand on Kaliban's shoulder* I know, buddy, but you didn't have to beat him up! You could've just said "Hey, can you please stop flirting with my girlfriend?" or "She's my girlfriend, could you leave her alone?" or something like that!

Kaliban: *bows his head, sighs* I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry, Papa. I... I was just really mad. Plus he called me a weirdo!

Bakugou: *chuckles* It's alright, son! I mean, back when me and your dad went here, I was CONSTANTLY having to get people off of him! (A/N In my AU, Deku and Uraraka never had romantic feelings for each other. Deku always liked Bakugou, and Uraraka always liked Yuga. Both started dating their crushes in their second year.) *smiles at Deku, shoves him playfully* Remember, honey?

Deku: *chuckles* Yeah, I remember. *turns back to Kaliban, hugs him* All's forgiven, buddy. Just try not to do it again, okay?

Kaliban: *nods, hugs Deku back* I'll try, Dad.

Bakugou: *chuckles* Next time someone messes with you, just call us, okay? *ruffles Kaliban's hair*

Kaliban: *chuckles* I will, Papa.

~Deku and Bakugou gently hug Kaliban~

Deku and Bakugou: *in unison* We love you, buddy.

Kaliban: *hugs them back* I love you, too, Dad and Papa.

~Timeskip to a little bit later; Kaliban is off with Sylvie and their friends~

Gaia: So, how'd it go, Kal?

Kaliban: *shrugs* Meh, it went alright. My papa was proud of me, but my dad says I need to control my temper.

Sylvie: *sighs* And your dad's right, Kal! You can't just beat up anyone who flirts with me! Besides, I can handle myself just fine!

Kaliban: *chuckles, leans in closer to Sylvie* Ah, come on, Sil, you know that I love you. *kisses her*

Sylvie: *blushes, rolls her eyes* I love you too, Lord Kaliban. *kisses back*

That's all for now, my kawaii wolf dragons! Please don't judge me for my pairings TwT But you gotta admit it, Deku, Bakugou and Kaliban are a cute family, even if you're not a BakuDeku shipper! Anyways, have a great day/night!

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