Scenario: When their parents said they wanted kids

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(A/N I'm only doing the U.A. attending kids who are biological, are the first-born child(ren) and were planned pregnancies)


It was a beautiful mid-October morning in Japan about a year after Deku and Bakugou's wedding. The 24-year-olds were sitting at the kitchen table, reading the morning paper, when a news article about a new medical procedure called "Double Artificial Insemination"- which had the DNA of two males collected, combined, and implanted into a woman (often a surrogate), and was popular among gay couples and three-person relationships consisting of two men and one woman- caught their attention. Deku really wanted to give it a try, but was unsure if Bakugou wanted kids. The greenette stared out the window, daydreaming about having a family, when his husband approached him. "What're you thinking about, Deku?" the blonde asked. "N-nothing, Kacchan!" he quickly stuttered in reply. "Don't lie to me, you adorable fucking nerd," Bakugou chuckled teasingly, "As your husband and childhood friend, I know when you have something on your mind. You wanna try that D.A.I thing we read about to try and have a kid, don't you?" Deku simply blushed harder as his husband leaned closer. "You want a little me or a little you running around, don't you?" Bakugou chuckled, his face an inch from the greenette's. "Y-yes, K-Kacchan. I-if th-that's wh-what you want, of course!" Deku stuttered, his face redder than Kirishima's hair. Bakugou rolled his eyes in amusement.  "You know you're adorable when you stutter, right? Of course I want a kid with you, you adorable fucking nerd," the gay male chuckled before giving his husband a kiss.


(A/N This was heavily inspired by a fanfic I asked the Ai generator app ReAI to write for me)

It was a calm September evening about 11 years after Mina and Kirishima had met. (A/N For those of you who don't know, it's canon that Mina and Kirishima have known each other since middle school) As they sat in their cozy living room, Kirishima couldn't help but reflect on just how far they had come. "What's got you so nostalgic?" Mina asked with a giggle before taking a sip of her hot cocoa. Kirishima blushed a little. "I was just thinking about how far we've come. I mean, we were just middle schoolers when we first met. And here we are now, 24 years old, pro-heroes, married for a year," Kirishima admitted, blushing a little. Mina's yellow eyes softened as she gazed at her husband. "I know. We've been through so much together," she replied, reaching out to take his hand. The redhead couldn't help but smile as he intertwined his fingers with his wife's. "Yeah, we have. And you know, I was thinking... maybe it's time we started a family," he said, the blush on his cheeks deepening. Mina's eyes widened in surprise, before she let out a delighted giggle. "I was hoping you'd say that!" she exclaimed. Kirishima couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's reaction. "Really?" Mina nodded eagerly. "Yes! You're going to be such a great dad, Eijiro," she giggled, squeezing his hand. Kirishima's heart swelled with love as he looked at his wife. "And you'll be an amazing mother, Mina," he replied, leaning in to give her a loving kiss.

~Gaia and Helios~

(A/N I used Google Translate for Yuga's French dialogue, I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies)

Thanks to their hero careers and the success of their department store (A/N In my MHA AU, Yuga and Uraraka own a department store called Style, Play, Create, Binge, Repeat, which sells makeup, clothes, accessories, skin and hair care products,  books, music, video games, electronics, DVDs, home decor, school and art supplies, trading cards, and toys),Yuga and Uraraka had no problem paying for their massive fairytale June wedding and week-long honeymoon in Paris. The 23-year-old newlyweds were sitting together at an outdoor café, enjoying their tea and pastries while watching the sunset, when the unmistakable sound of distressed children caught their attention. Thankfully, they had their headgear hidden in their backpacks, their boots already on, and the rest of their hero costumes hidden beneath their sweaters and jeans. After putting their civilian clothes in their bags and putting on their respective headgear, the couple rushed in to save the children -a boy and a girl, both about six years old- from the villains attacking them. Once the villains had been dragged away, Yuga and Uraraka tended to the children, comforting and playing with them at the police station until their worried parents arrived. Later that evening, the couple were cuddling in their hotel suite, tired but happy. "Oh, my darling queen Ochako, you were absolutely magnifique (magnificent) with those children!" Yuga praised his new wife before planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You were too, honey!" Uraraka giggled as she cuddled closer. Suddenly, the brunette woman blushed harder. "Y-y'know honey, it got me thinking: Would you like to have a baby of our own?" Uraraka asked as her auburn eyes gazed deeply into Yuga's indigo. "Of course, ma reine chérie (my darling queen)! You'd be a merveilleuse (wonderful {in a feminine context, at least according to Google Translate}) mother!" the blonde male chuckled as he gently stroked his bride's hair. "And YOU'D make a spectacular father," Uraraka giggled. "C-can we please start trying as soon as we get back home to Japan?" Yuga asked. "I want to hold our little prince or princess as soon as possible!" The brunette smiled and nodded at her new husband. "Of course, honey!" Uraraka giggled before giving Yuga a kiss.

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