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I waited in the train next to about two classes of kids. I looked at each one. I didn't know any of them from Slytherin except for the kid next to me. But I didn't know him that well. Only that he was in my house. "Who are you?" He asked next to me. He had black hair and brown eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger in it. "Carina. I'm a Slytherin. How about you?" I asked plainly. "Leo. Slytherin as well," he said plainly. "Last name?" I asked. "Potter. Harry's my cousin," he said sounding a bit disgusted. "Harry Potter? I'm not a big fan of him. He's famous for some stupid scar. I bet your a lot better," I said. "Really? A lot of people, even Slytherins, are impressed with him," he laughed. "All except for Malfoy. But I don't like him. What's your last name?" He asked. "Depends. Do you judge people based of siblings," I joked. "Depends who the siblings are," he laughed. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. And when he said he didn't like my brother that made it worse. "L-Lestrange," I lied. "How-?" He asked. "I'm not related to Bellatrix. I'm related to Leta. She was my grandmother," I lied. "Really?!" He asked. "No im a Malfoy," I said carefully. "What?!" His voice was filled with anger but then he slowly calmed down. "Are you anything like your brother?" He asked. I shook my head and made a disgusted face. "Good," he said plainly. "Well then I'm pleased to meet you Carina Malfoy, I hope I can be your friend," he smiled. I smiled back and shook his hand. "Same here Leo Potter," I laughed. "But may I ask who your parents are?" I asked. "James Potters sister, Lucille. And a pure blood named Micheal Parkinson," he shrugged. "Dont really know my dad though," he said. "Oh well. Maybe that's a good thing!" I smiled. "It probably is," he laughed. I put a strand of hair behind my ear laughed alongside him. He scratched his head and put his hand on mine. It stayed there for a minute before he looked down. He quickly took his hand away and blushed. I chuckled and smiled again. He leaned back and fell asleep. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes

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