I waited in the train next to about two classes of kids. I looked at each one. I didn't know any of them from Slytherin except for the kid next to me. But I didn't know him that well. Only that he was in my house. "Who are you?" He asked next to me. He had black hair and brown eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger in it. "Carina. I'm a Slytherin. How about you?" I asked plainly. "Leo. Slytherin as well," he said plainly. "Last name?" I asked. "Potter. Harry's my cousin," he said sounding a bit disgusted. "Harry Potter? I'm not a big fan of him. He's famous for some stupid scar. I bet your a lot better," I said. "Really? A lot of people, even Slytherins, are impressed with him," he laughed. "All except for Malfoy. But I don't like him. What's your last name?" He asked. "Depends. Do you judge people based of siblings," I joked. "Depends who the siblings are," he laughed. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. And when he said he didn't like my brother that made it worse. "L-Lestrange," I lied. "How-?" He asked. "I'm not related to Bellatrix. I'm related to Leta. She was my grandmother," I lied. "Really?!" He asked. "No im a Malfoy," I said carefully. "What?!" His voice was filled with anger but then he slowly calmed down. "Are you anything like your brother?" He asked. I shook my head and made a disgusted face. "Good," he said plainly. "Well then I'm pleased to meet you Carina Malfoy, I hope I can be your friend," he smiled. I smiled back and shook his hand. "Same here Leo Potter," I laughed. "But may I ask who your parents are?" I asked. "James Potters sister, Lucille. And a pure blood named Micheal Parkinson," he shrugged. "Dont really know my dad though," he said. "Oh well. Maybe that's a good thing!" I smiled. "It probably is," he laughed. I put a strand of hair behind my ear laughed alongside him. He scratched his head and put his hand on mine. It stayed there for a minute before he looked down. He quickly took his hand away and blushed. I chuckled and smiled again. He leaned back and fell asleep. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes
Above Them All
FanfictionThe Malfoy's daughter is unappreciated and sent away as much as possible. She spent lots of time with her aunt Bellatrix, but not even Bellatrix likes her. But one day something happens that... how shall I say it? Puts her Above Them All ...