003 | Return, Revive, Rejoice..

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Once you care, you're fucked.

Blood pooled from Clara's mouth, down her throat shared with Venom, but also onto her chin, whenever his enormous tongue did not prove his everlasting hunger by licking clean her face from yet another match.

Caring erases every ounce of knowledge and replaces facts with hope.

Around the cage Clara sought out and willing stepped back into that night, instead of going through with the plan of calling her sister, the crowd's cheers came in waves of instant and electrifying ecstasy to witness the absolute butchery occuring on their secluded stage where hallucinating was normal and the rich's dirty money reached even dirtier hands.

Fact was that Venom needed food, Clara needed to stop feeling the pain and they both ached for tasting some victory after so many lost battles. These low streets of Salé were making it easy to feel superior, in control, as the lesser evil amongst thousands worse.

The tribute of another victory reached their stomach and Venom wasted no breath in extracting what he needed to grow his power. Half of the energy went across Clara's body, healing whatever was left to heal.

Half an hour into the arena and she already looked healthier, better too, save for the little cuts and the bruises under her clothes, waiting their turn. Any internal bleeding had stopped long ago and those broken bones mended right after the bullet holes sealed properly with barely even a scar left behind.

Yet she wasn't exiting the cage.

Why would she?

The night was still young and for once, she was in a familiar environment, doing the only thing she considered herself good at. Victory mixed with an enclosed bubble of safety and Clara called that her personal drug.

"Venom eats the head of his... of her... of their sixth victim!" Moroccan Arabic beamed through the speakers, briefly pausing the loud music for a transition in which the headless corpse of a massive woman was dragged out of the ring and someone else, already trembling outside the iron fence, was trying to man themselves up to get in there with the beast. "Will the monster ever tire? Will it ever be satisfied? Let's see if Boneyard will be any luckier than those before him."

"Bet we can take that one down in less than ten seconds," Clara boasted to Venom, not even bothering to be silent and certainly done with standing still. She was moving around now that she was no longer limping and dragging her steps. The first fight in the cage had been tough and necessary to regain her strength, everything else was her escaping pending problems and finding a fleeting pleasure. Violence was her only comfort amongst humans that she could trust.

Before the last fight, she had lost her shirt, now caught in the metal fence of the cage, right next to the exit opening up to greet a tall and muscular man. Clara couldn't contain her grin looking at him.

"Make that a six," she huffed, amused, after measuring the man just once. "He won't even see what hit him." With that said, she rolled her shoulders back, stretched her arms, one at the time, over her chest, helping the blood stain on her hands, now truly embedded onto her skin, dry off faster.

If she was ever going to realize what a big mistake she made that night with getting there, one shower won't be enough to make her feel clean again. Though Clara's mind was lost, Venom knew that from a gram of lucidity brought by being well fed.

Venom loved a good meal and he knew they both needed it, however, about three corpses ago, it had reached the "enough" mark and now he was simply concerned that Clara was not alright. She wasn't alright. The longer he stood in her body, the more attentive he got to what she was feeling... or rather what she was not. It was easy to understand she was using everything as the biggest distraction away from the burn behind her eyes, the tiredness of her heart and the sadness.

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