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Living in the past, it's a new generation

A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do

Y/N had been honestly glad to see Shouta again (especially since he hadn't brought another Tinder date with him). That was until he had started acting kind of weird. He was there with his friend, the blond one. Y/N had no idea what his name was. Whatever was going on between them, it seemed like things were kind of tense. Not like they were fighting, but... Y/N couldn't really put her finger on what it was exactly. Shouta just seemed to be more nervous than usual. She had never really gotten the impression that he was a nervous person, just a little awkward, but today he seemed to be outright nervous about something. Y/N wondered what it was.

Not that it was any of her business. She honestly had no idea why she was so obsessed with this man. After all, he was just some guy. Not really any different from all the other guys that came here as regulars. He looked pretty good, and he usually gave pretty generous tips, that were two things that made him stand out from the rest. And he seemed to be a nice person under all that awkwardness. Still, it wasn't like Y/N to fall for someone so quickly. Maybe they had bonded in some weird way when she had taken him home that one evening or something. She had no other explanation for why she was suddenly so intensely interested in him.

Either way, it didn't matter. She wasn't going to go and hit on a regular. That would be way too awkward. If he was interested, then he could ask her out or something. And if they were both just too shy and too awkward for that... well, then maybe it wasn't meant to be. Although that would be sad, Y/N had to admit. She kind of wanted to know more about Shouta - what he did for a living, what his hobbies were, how he knew his other blond friend, what the story with that Tinder girl was a while ago, where he grew up, where he went to school, what his life had been like... she wanted to know pretty much everything there was to know about him. Had she mentioned that she was literally obsessed with this guy? Yeah, there was no denying it. She had fallen. And she had fallen pretty damn hard, even though she barely knew Shouta.

With the way he had been looking at her and how he had been acting, Y/N had almost started getting her hopes up, that maybe he was thinking about asking her out or that he liked her or something like that, but then the two of them left together without either of them asking for her number or a date or anything like it. Y/N tried to be indifferent, but it did kind of sting a little. She wasn't sure what she had imagined was going to happen, but the fact that nothing at all had happened was... disappointing at best. Thankfully her co-worker noticed and sent her out back, so she could sort out some stuff there without having to put on a cheerful face.

And that's where Y/N had been stuck the last few minutes, fully focussed on her task, not even paying attention to anything in her surroundings. That was probably also the reason why she hadn't heard her workmate approaching and why she got a fright when she suddenly heard her voice and saw her standing behind her. She had a big, fat grin on her face and Y/N really wanted to know what the reason for that could have been, but she had just told her to follow her and now here she was, face to face with Shouta Aizawa who seemed to have returned. Y/N looked after her workmate that went off to do whatever she had been doing before. She gulped and looked back at Shouta, putting on her best smile and leaning forward on the counter.

"Shouta. What's up? What can I help you with?" she wanted to know. He seemed way more nervous than when he had been sitting at his table and watching her and she really was wondering what the hell was up with him.

"Uhm... Hi. I just came back inside for a bit." he replied and then paused as if he had forgotten what he wanted to say. Y/N raised her eyebrows and gave him an amused smile. He was really cute like this.

"So I can see." she answered.

"Yeah, yeah, of course... I wanted to ask you something." he said next. Y/N felt her heart skipping a beat. He wanted to ask her something? Had her gut feeling been right all along then? She tried to tell herself that she shouldn't be getting her hopes up, that it was probably about something completely unrelated and that there was no way that he was going to just ask her out like this. He probably had just forgotten something and wanted to know if they had found it.

"Ask away then." Y/N replied cheerfully, trying to mask how nervous she was feeling herself. She really hoped that she wasn't making a complete idiot of herself, but it was too late to save anything now.

"Right... please don't take this the wrong way or anything, I'm not trying to be creepy and I know it's not great form to ask this at someone's place of work and all that, but I just didn't really know how else to ask and I figured since you already took me home and all, it might not be such a terrible idea, so... I like you. I'd like to take you on a date someday. Can I give you my number?" he finally asked. Y/N could barely believe her eyes. Her heart was beating faster and faster and her grin was growing wider and wider. She had to hear it again to actually believe it.

"You're... you're asking me out?" she wanted to know. He immediately looked about a million times more nervous.

"Yeah, I mean, yeah. I'm asking you out. I'm sorry if it's out of line or anything..." he muttered. Y/N shook her head quickly. She was glad that he was asking, because she never would have managed to bring herself to do that, but she really, really wanted him. She wanted him so much.

"No, no, no, it's perfectly fine. I'd like to go on a date. Here, I'll give you my phone and you can put your number in." she replied and handed him the phone. He nodded and quickly typed in his number before giving it back to her. He seemed to want to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

"Okay, great, I'm looking forward to it, text me whenever it suits you, bye!" he said quickly and waved shortly before turning around and walking out of the bar. Y/N barely got the chance to say 'Goodbye'. When the door fell shut again, she looked down at her phone, quickly saving the number, still with a big smile on her face. She couldn't believe that he had actually asked her out. Now she could only hope that he was everything she was hoping for and not just a huge disappointment.

"And? How did it go?" she heard her coworker asking, as she approached her. Y/N looked up at her with a beaming smile.

"He actually asked me out! Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened..." she said, taking a few deep breaths. Her co-worker raised her eyebrows at her and shook her head with a big grin.

"He was being really awkward about it, wasn't he?" she replied. Y/N just shrugged. She didn't care how awkward Shouta was being, all she cared about was that she was going to go on a date with this man. She'd have to text him as soon as her shift was over... or was that too soon?

"I thought it was cute how awkward he was being." she said. Her workmate shook her head again and sighed.

"Seriously, your taste in men is weird as hell. But to each their own, I guess." she replied, before heading back to work. Y/N couldn't stop smiling to herself. She'd have to figure out when she could safely text without looking desperate... or did she even care about looking desperate? If she was honest, she was kind of desperate. Why play games? But maybe it would be good to wait at least for a day? What was she even going to wear? It would probably depend on what they were going to do for their date... Y/N looked back at her phone, seeing the saved contact on her display. She really hoped that this was going to go well and that it wasn't just her infatuation speaking.

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