left hand free

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gracie's pov:  

"jb I swear to god if you fall and die I'm not cleaning you up I'll just leave you for the seagulls!" 

I yell up to my friend while leaning on a wooden pillar 

the brunette boy took a sip of his beer, hanging his foot off the edge of a roof. "I'm fine grace look?" 

"that's what, a three-story fall to the deck I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival," pope says looking up 

"should I do it" john b licked his finger and stuck it into the air 

"don't be an idiot jb" I laugh

"yeah jump I will shoot you on the way down"   

"you'll shoot me pew-" john b says doing a finger gun

kie walks in behind me grabbing a beer from my bag " they're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers" 

"of course they are, why wouldn't they?" JJ yelled out from his spot sitting on the scaffolding 

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess."

"I can't have cold towels" 

I laugh and look back up at the boy on the roof 

"could you please not kill yourself," kie asks smiling   

JJ leaned on a metal beam. "Don't spill that beer man, I'm not giving you another one." His lips touched the outer rim of his beer can.

"WOAH- oh shit !" John B yelled, dropping the can out of his hands.   

 I watched as the can then slipped from my friend's fingers, and crashed onto the ground. and laughed  "That's ironic."

" of course you did," J said, trying not to laugh. "Like right when I told you-" 

John B reached his arms out towards the beer and groaned. "Noooo."

"A+" Pope said, swinging around a railing to see a security car pull into the parking lot. "Hey uh - security's here. Let's wrap it up."

everyone started getting up, as John B climbed off the roof.

"Let's go they got here early today!" I sigh packing up my shit 

we run down the stairs swinging from the scaffolding

JJ leaned out a window. "Gary is that you ?" He laughed and pointed toward the guard. "Gary! good to see you, man !" 

kie laughed and nodded towards J. "Yeah, you're just asking for it."

Everyone started running through the empty house, laughter was heard throughout. Gary ran toward's me. 

"hey gare-bear how's the wife and kids" i say dodging him 

he grabs jj "not much of a hugger man" 

kie and jb got into the twinkie driving it round the side of the house "get in bus is leaving" 

"always a pleasure reanciting subway surfers with you" i bow before running to the twinkie popes hand pulling me in. 

"Wait slow down , slow down!" jj yelled , holding his beer out the door.

"Guys , you're gonna give him a heart attack !" Kie yelled , laughing as she did so.

"they dont pay you enough man" i say lightly out of breath from all the running 

jj held his beer out , taunting the poor guard . "C'mon you're so close ! You can do it !" He threw the beer towards Gary. "There you go !"

Kie pulled on his shirt , causing JJ to fall back into the van. "JJ , stop. stop." 

The blonde just laughed and climbed back into his seat . "Aw c'mon. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished ."

john b turned up the radio and we all just laughed 

this summer certanily is going to be fun!

~the next morning~ 

i woke up in the at john bs house. us pogues often did that. 

i groan as i grab my phone of the side table 

i see texts from my little brother asking for me to pick up some milk. 

i sigh walking through the house grabbing a cup of coffie 

kie is on the couch rolling a joint 

"hey careful with that shit not to much that comes out of my commission" i yawn 

she just does a thumbs up 

i turn to jb sipping on a old beer 

"hey you hear about agatha" i ask 

"yeah dcs canceled my meeting because of it" 

"hey thats good" i smile while downing my coffie 

"yeah you know i was thinking about surfing." 

"dude it's a huricane do you have a death wish or something!" kie raised an eyebrow 

"i mean i could go surfing right about now" i laugh 

so thats exactly what we did surf the unsurfable waves 

halfway through JB yells out "hey is that a boat" 

he points to a white boat battling the waves 

"no its a unicorn. no shit its a boat" i splash him 

"oh you've started a war" he laughs as we then proceed to splash eachother with the cold ocean water. 


hey so first chapter.  i know there wasnt any sarah in this chapter but this was more about introducing you to gracie and the pogues. 

follow me on tiktok addy_writes1 for edits and updates of the story 

hope you enjoyed it rember to comment and vote :) <3

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