after the storm

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gracie's pov


I wake up to someone climbing on top of me

I open one eye to see my baby sister

"I can't find bunny!" she says with tears in her eyes

"Have you looked everywhere?"

"well I tried to get into the bathroom but something's blocking the door."

"Okay well, I'm sure bunny just wanted to play hide and seek so if you count to 10 then he will be easier to find," I say lifting her off me so I could get out of bed

she excitedly starts counting down from 10

meanwhile, I go to the bathroom door to figure out what's going on

and sure enough, when I shove the door open there's a tree on the floor surrounded by glass

"shit that's not good" I mutter

"Hey uh no one uses the bathroom okay it's out of bounds"

"what if I want to shit?" my little brother jack shouts from his room

"I don't know use go to the Robinsons next door and don't use language like that or I will wash your mouth out"

"no, you won't"

"Wanna bet," I ask while grabbing the soap and chase him around his room

while laughing

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he laughs "why are you so fast!"

I tackle him to his bed and start to tickle him.

"Gracie Gracie stop please I'm begging"

"promise you will stop fucking swearing."

"Okay fine I promise" he exclaimed,

"that's all you had to say!"

I walk out of his room into the kitchen and past my mum passed out on the couch

"Morning mum." I sigh downing the leftover vodka in the glass next to her

I spot a little fluffy ear underneath her

I tug at it to reveal lexie's fluffy toy " well I found bunny."


"This is the police you are under arrest!"

I turn around to see JJ and jb on the HMS pogue

"shut up you idiots"

"wanna get drunk in the marsh!"

"always" I laugh "permission to come aboard"

"permission granted"

we pick up pope and kie and head out to the marsh

pope drives right into a sand dune making JJ flip off the boat and makes me go flying into kie

"Jesus pope" I exclaim touching my head that's now throbbing

"how do you think I feel I was your crash matt!" kie says sitting up clutching her abdomen where I crashed into her

"you alright j"

I think my heels touched the back of my head." he said with a groan.

"Pope, what did you do?" jb asks

"Sandbar." Their friend said, standing back up. "Channel changed."

The blonde rolled his eyes. "No shit!"

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