Everything has changed

301 8 1

Warnings: the d slur and fighting
Gracies POV:

And with that the gang and me walked down to the boneyard armed with a shit tone of beer

"Okay bets on who's getting the most drunk tonight" I ask already nursing a beer in my hand

"You" they all say at the same Time

"Well that's a bit rude"

"Sorry Gracie it's true your a light weight who doesn't know her limit" Jb says setting up the keg of beer

"Oh am I" I laugh grabbing the pump giving him a face full of beer.

He just laughs it off

"Tonight I promise I will not get plastered"

After a few hours of drinking games with my friends I walk over to jj saving some poor touron girl from him talking about his new surfboard

" how is the beautiful jj maybank tonight!"

" i am wonderful let me guess your drunk"

"Nope I am perfectly sober" I giggle

"Okay here have some water lightweight" he chuckles passing me his bag while I search his bag I find his gun

"JJ YOU BROUGHT THE GUN" I say in loud whisper

He puts his hand to my mouth

"God Gracie shut up!"

"I only brought it because we don't know what's going to happen tonight you know I don't trust kooks." He says taking his hand away from my lips

" I get that kooks are awful but dude you can't kill them"

"I'm not going to kill them just scare them we all know kooks are pussies"

"Okay just promise me you won't do anything stupid. I don't know what I would do with you in jail I would have to become one of those prison pen pals and you know I hate writing."
I start to ramble

" hey I promise gi." He says doing a pinky promise with me

You see jj was my first ever friend. He kicked a ball over my fence when we were three and ever since then he's just always been there.
He isn't just my friend he's my family.

"Okay I'm going to find Pope and stop him from traumatising some touron with talk about dead bodies. Don't drink anymore okay?"

"Okay". I smile and watch him walk away

Kie and JB are looking at something so I make my way over to them

"Watcha looking at?" I put my arm around kie

"What is she doing here?" She scoffs clearly looking at Sarah Cameron

"Probably partying like the rest of us!" Jb says taking a sip from his red cup

"It's nice to see she's taken time out of her busy schedule of being a stuck up Bitch" I spit out

"Ha cheers to that" kie says before grabbing my hand pulling me away from looking at the kook princess who is currently in the arms of her dickhead boyfriend topper.

I take one last look at JB and they way he's looking at Sarah Cameron makes me uncomfortable.
I know that look
It's the way I used to look at her

Gracies POV:

Shit I grabbed the wrong keys again
And mum and dad are on that weekend away
I could go to the robinsons but I don't think they would have any room for me with both their kids plus jack and Lexie

Gold rush (Sarah Cameron x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now