
312 10 3

my head is pounding

I think I am dying

"get up! now" I hear a sour voice next to me before a glass of ice-cold water comes crashing down on me

I shoot up shaking my head trying to shake off the water

"what the fuck was that for"

"I got a visit from a cop today"

I sigh knowing what's about to happen

"mum it's not what you think" I pull the covers off my bed getting up

I look in the mirror at my cut lip and the faint red handprint on my neck thanks to topper

"apparently one of your little friends pulled a gun on a kook"

"he didn't shoot anyone"

"look I don't give a shit what you do but just don't bring nosy fucking pigs around here."

"Why are you afraid they will find your coke stash" I laugh

"don't be an ungrateful little bitch I give you everything and all I ask from you is to keep away from the attention of the cops"

"NO all you ask from me is to keep the kids happy and money on the table while you and your little crackhead boy toy shove coke up your noses."


"oh please you haven't been a mother in years," I say before running upstairs grabbing my bag and a sweatshirt pulling it over my head

"hey I'm not done with this conversation," she says pulling my arm

"well I am," I say breaking free of her grasp before rushing out the door.

"your father would be so disappointed in how you turned out"

I stop in my tracks my eyes start to sting up with tears

"love you too mum" I mutter

"have fun wasting your life away with those so-called friends of yours"

"have fun being a fucking junkiee" I wave back to her


I walk to jbs house where the gang is already gathered

"hey jb is it alright if I crash here tonight"

"yeah sure. are the kids okay"

"they can survive a night without me"

"well your always welcome here and the kids too"

"Thanks, bro" I give his arm a squeeze before opening the fridge

"a half-eaten sandwich and a 10 pack of beer do you know there's such thing as grocery shopping right"

"Why did you call us here again" JJ walks in

"like you had anything else to do" pope laughs

"look I'm callin' it off. Alright?" the brunette stated; his eyes focused on the moving water in front of him. "Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

JJ tilted his head in annoyance. "And you believed her?"

"yes I believed her JJ"

"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop." He said with a small chuckle as he threw a rock into the water.

"never trust a pig" I repeat what my mum always told me

"all I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out." He lifted his arm, motioning towards the ground on the other side of the water. "And it doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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