Final Chappy

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Percy's P.O.V

I woke up and looked around a bit. Everything was a bit disorienting. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and winced a bit.

I looked over and saw Tony my uncle. I looked around and saw the rest of the Avengers too.

The door opened and came in Fury. I moved my hand a bit and winced but pushed myself up.

"Easy you did just wake up after blowing themselves up." I smiled a small smile. (Gotta love Alliteration)

"Why exactly did you not inform them." Fury said as he looked to the Avengers, "I mean you told me but why not them." He didn't ask harshly but in a soft tone that surprised me a bit.

"I thought it would be best. If they knew then they could've gotten hurt, we needed to end the war before it even started. I took a risk and knew the price." I stated firmly but it sounded weird for my throat was raw.

Fury nodded his head and helped me sip some water, "You flat lined twice. They were freaking out as Doctor Banner was working on you. He kicked them all out." I chuckled weakly imagining it but was worried, I flatlines twice.

"How long was I out?" I asked the director.

"Almost 5 days now. Banner is in his lab and will check on you in an hour. Until then get some sleep. I'm surprised your still awake."

I yawned and weakly said, "Will-power can get you far in life." I thought I felt a hand patting my shoulder and him saying "You did well kid." But I must have imagined it. Before I knew it I was asleep once more.

When I woke up again I was greeted by light and groaned as my eyes tried to adjust it.

When my vision was clear Bruce was above me and smiled softly. "Hey." I said and yawned.

He chuckled a bit, "You are lucky to be alive. I won't talk to you about what you were thinking for I believe your uncle has some words." I swallowed nervously as he flashed me another smile, "anyway stay in here as I get the others ok?"

I nodded and he left the room. I summoned some water and started to heal myself so I cold move better. I could now sit up but was still sore and it hurt to move.

The door opened and in walked Bruce and the Avengers. Bruce came over and ratted me out about sitting up and other mumble jumble that I wasn't paying attention.

After I explained I healed myself a bit he reluctantly let the subject alone. The team came over and gave me hugs careful of my injuries.

We talked for the rest of the day. Once it was over the team left other than Tony. "Why would you do that?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

Me myself was started to cry but held his gaze, "I'm sorry but the war needed to be done before everyone paid the price. I'm so so sorry." I said tears leaking out of my eyes, "I didn't want to leave my family and friends but I knew it had to be done I'm so so sorry." He got up and we started hugging each other until it hurt and cried on each others shoulders.

I don't want to leave him and he doesn't want to leave me. We were family and that was how it was going to stay. I heard the door open and the rest came back in and we hugged, we hugged and some cried until we couldn't anymore.

This is a family that was going to stay together no matter what. We are family and we stick side-by-side until the end. Until death but we would still be together.

Anyway I hope you liked this book and tell me what evil villain or other challenges should happen. I might make a second book but don't know yet. I could always have Centauri invaid again and Thor have Loki come back to help Percy who was in a coma from the Centauri who are after the gems (Power, Infinity, and the others.) Then I could always turn this into Loki/Percy or brotherly sibling Loki/Percy. Don't know yet.

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