Meeting Peter and the gang...Prank Time

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Percy's P.O.V

When I woke up it was around 10 AM. I was hungry. I needed to talk to Thor about his brother. He, I hope, knows that Loki has escaped. Today is Monday, on Thursday I start to go back to school. Yippee, note my sarcasm, I hate being THE Tony Stark's nephew. Stupid cameras. I was all over the newspaper, my friends at Camp Half-Blood know where I am. At the thought of Camp Half-Blood I got sad remembering that Annabeth was dead. I walked into the kitchen I guess with a glum face. "What's bothering you Perce?" Steve asked. "Hmm." I said I didn't hear him. "I said, 'What's bothering you'?" "Just thinking about old friends and my mom." I said mom because I was thinking about here and blue cookies and the blue pancakes she made. "Um, sorry?" "It's fine just thinking of old memories, do you guys have pancake mix and blue food dye?" "We got more pancake mix in the cabinet top shelf." "Thanks."

I started to make pancakes and colored them blue, some where still, I made enough for the whole Avenger team. I started eating when the whole team arrived. I knew something was up by the looks in their eyes. I knew instantly that they found out. I sighed and started to say, "You say the pool footage didn't you?" "Yeah," Tony said. I sighed once again and decided to tell them right then, today. "Get Thor in here please and I will explain." "Steve went to go get Thor the others we just standing their. I moved my head to they left, on the counter were pancakes. They got up and grabbed pancakes and poured syrup on them, Tony drowned his. I smiled at that, maybe we were similar in some ways.

When Thor came into the room we locked eyes and I sighed heavily. "Ok, for starters...What do you know about Greek and Roman mythology?"

"Not much, what does it have to do with anything?" Natasha asked

"Well...what if I told you that the Gods are still around?"

Everyone's jaw dropped at that, I raised my hand to cut of the questions they were dieing to ask. I started to say all of my adventures I went through, the Lighting thief, Labyrinth, Sea of Monsters. All of it but hen I got to Tartarus, I had Thor take over. He was actually amazed I guess the Asgardians didn't hear what exactly happened. When Thor and I were done explaining my life, the teams jaws were practically touching the floor.

"I have a nephew who is related to a god...which god though?"

"I am Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, finder of Zeus Bolt, Finder of Golden Fleece, Survivor of the Labyrinth, Destroyer of Kronos,Finder of Fifth Court Eagle, Survivor of Alaska, One of the Seven, Destroyer of Gaea. That is my full title." A/N: Sorry if I forgot anything else couldn't really think of all the books...Sorry again."

If it was possible their jaws dropped even more, it felt really awkward. Then a question surprised me.

"Were you that guy that made the giant wave?" Clint asked

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah that was me, you guys couldn't defeat those monsters, you didn't have the metal you needed."

"What type of metal did we need?" Natasha suspiciously asked. I pulled out my pen.

"How is a pen the type of metal we need?" Snickered Tony.

"So, that is the famous sword us Asgardians heard about, Riptide?" Thor wanted to know he was a bit dazed looking at Riptide pen form.

"How is a pen a sword?" Steve wanted to know looking at Thor.

I rolled my eyes and took the cap off. It grew into a 3 foot sword with the shining sun hitting it reflect the sunlight making Riptide even more beautiful. "This is the type of metal you needed to defeat those monsters, mined from Olympus, enchanted to return to my pocket."

Their eyes were wide open. They started asking me questions for the entire day, I didn't really mind it, hated the attention,but didn't mind it. Once it was bedtime. I went to sleep no nightmares nothing. It felt like having the weight of the world on my shoulders now lifted, and I know what that feels like. It feels great. I think I was getting over my depression little everyday I was with the team.

Fury's P.O.V

Honestly, I planted a bug in Stark's Tower. I wanted to learn about Mr.Jackson. I was not expecting to find out he was a son of Poseidon, not one bit. I was unhappy, I needed to talk to that boy, maybe have him join the Avengers team. I'm certain the Avengers won't capture him so, I will ask, nicely somewhat?

1 day later (Thursday one more day till school)...(A/N: hoilday break that entire week BTW forgot top mention that so so sorry, first fanfic, how am I doing? Oh, and Percy is going to Midtown High School...aka Spidermans high school, why not)

Percy's P.O.V

I was walking to school waiting for the doors to open. On my way to school I got cameras in my face asking me questions. Really, I mean Tony literally told them that I had school today. A guy started coming toward me, eh was semi geek but looked like a good friend.

"Hey, my name is Peter, Peter Parker."

"Hey Peter, my name is Percy Jackson, nice to meet you."

"Your the new kid aren't you, whats your first class."

"I have Math, and yes I am the new kid."

"Well, I have Math for first period too."

"Cool, lead the way."

"First I want to introduce you to some of my friends, Ava, Luke, Danny, and Sam."

"Hey guys, Percy."

"Sup." Sam said

"Hey dude." Luke said

I got more replies of hello from all of them. "Anyway we should probably get going to class."

During class the teacher made me stand in front of all the students and say my name. I didn't care that much but it was just annoying I had to do it in every class.

I got to pick my special which was Swimming and for language I chose Greek. I had Greek with Luke and Ava and had swimming with Danny and Sam. We all got along really well. Peter, Luke, and I decided to pray a prank on Flash, who Peter informs me that he's the school bully. I also got introduced to MJ (Mary Jane) and Harry Osborn. 

The prank will, be in his locker. When he opens it soda will be sprayed all over him. There is also a hidden camera. This is will be amazing.

All of us, Peter, Sam, Luke, Harry, MJ, Danny, and Ava are all by the pool. I just finished swimming and we went to my phone to watch the prank.

Flash was going to his locker, when he opened a science contraption was built do soda would start to fizz moving up and out of the holes that was attached to a pipe attached to a large soda bottle. The soda was spraying all over Flash while he looked so confused and was trying to stop the soda. All of us, I mean all of us were laughing our heads off. We were all on the ground, crying, and holding our chest. This was going on YouTube.

Flash must have heard us for he was coming down the hall.

"What was that?!" You could tell he was angry

Peter just hide behind his friends, while everyone else hid behind me. I rolled my eyes. "Wasn't it obvious, that was a prank."

"You prank me, do you like getting beat up?"

"Not really, but i'm not afraid of you." I said that I was crossing my arms waiting for Flash to do something. He was surprised that I stood up to him.

"Whatever, just don't do it again. Oh and watch your back."

I rolled our eyes and I said, "Can't wait see yeah later Flashy." He looked pissed but Sam was snickering along with some of my other friends still hiding behind me.

With that Flash stormed out. Pissed as ever, it was really funny. When he was a good amount away all of us burst out laughing.

"Guys, I have to go back home, see you later ok."

"Yea, see you later Perce." Peter said while I grabbed my backpack and left school.

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