Chapter One

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Yeosang's eyes opened as the morning sunshine came through the window. It was the most common way for him to wake up. He stretched his back as well as all of his limbs, the blanket falling on the floor in the process. He stretched for a minute or two before getting up from his bed, picking up his blanket so that he could make his bed again. He placed the blanket on the bed and folded it slightly at the top where the blanket met the pillow. He spent a moment or two making sure that it was straight and wasn't messy in someway. As soon as it was the way that he had wanted it, he walked out of his room and made his way into the kitchen where he saw both of his parents and his older sister sitting around the table with breakfast on the table. It had seemed like breakfast was cooked not that long ago because for one, he could see the cooking utensils still out and for two, it still smelled freshly cooked.

He made his way over to the table and sat down next to his mother, picking out the foods that he wanted to have. With him now at the table, the four of them began to eat. Not that his parents and sister were waiting that long, but they did like waiting for everyone to be at the table before eating. It was silent as they ate. There was not much happening outside due to either people still waking up or people were starting to get ready for the day. It was still somewhat early in the morning, roughly seven thirty. A lot of people would either be having breakfast, waking up or getting ready.

"What are your plans for the day, Yeosang?" Mr Kang asked.

"Wait, let me take a wild guess," Mrs Kang said, "You will be reading one of many books about Wellerman and the many pirates that live there." It was a common thing for Yeosang to do whenever he wanted. It became a non surprising thing whenever it did happen. He loved learning about the pirates that lived in the town of Wellerman, a town that is in Busan and near the ocean of Busan.

"You know," his father continued, "You might want to stop or at least ease up on reading those books. The pirates that live in Wellerman aren't good people. They live in Wellerman for a reason. They caused social disruption and they had taken a lot of things from our town. They also aren't the friendliest people to be around. The pirate king is the meanest of all."

"I know," Yeosang responded. He had heard those exact words or close to those exact words many times before. Not only by his father but from his mother, his sister, the towns people of Nam-gu and the mayor of Nam-gu. The whole town of Nam-gu had a prejudice of the pirates that lived in Wellerman and it was obvious to Yeosang. It wasn't even an exaggeration, the literal whole town had a prejudice against the outlaws and would always have a disgusted look on their face whenever they talked about them. It seemed that the male was the only one that had some interest in those that were outlawed from Nam-gu. For the rest of breakfast, the four of them had remained silent, not wanting to continue the conversation that they just had. The conversation of the Wellerman pirates would always get shorter since the warnings of them had been said numerous times. Though, Yeosang had a small suspicion that the warnings seemed to be a little exaggerated.

That was something that he wouldn't know any point soon as he doubted that he would be seeing any of the Wellerman pirates anytime soon.


Wooyoung had begun to do his morning inspection around Wellerman, something that he had been doing since he was dubbed the pirate king. He did two daily inspections around Wellerman to make sure nothing was stolen. It helped that he had watched his father do it a lot back when his father was the pirate king. He walked around the town he had lived in for his entire life, making sure to expect every single thing, wanting to make sure that nothing was stolen over night. While a lot of the things that he and every pirate in Wellerman had were things that they had found at sea, he wanted to make sure that there was nothing was stolen from him or any of his crew. As he made his way around the town, he greeted the other pirates that were in his crew. Some of which were on the older side either by decades or a few years and some others on the younger side.

With every few greetings, he would have a conversation with a few of his pirate crew mates. The conversations mainly consisted of how much he ruled like his father. Every pirate crew mate agreed that Wooyoung ruled in a similar fashion compared to his father. With a kind heart and a gentle voice, but could become fierce when he needed to be. And he knew that he did, so he couldn't deny it. He knew that there were times where he could as well as needed to be fierce, yet other than that, he was kind hearted and had a gentle voice. He took pride in that, though at the same time, he was humble about it. He continued to do his inspection around the town, so far finding nothing was stolen. Or at least not yet anyway.


Yeosang, his parents and his sister had finished eating breakfast and now they were washing the utensils and bowls that they had used. They had a little system of how they cleaned the utensils and bowls. Yeosang would wash them, his sister would dry them and their parents would put it away in the correct spot once it was completely dry. It was a system that they had established when both him and his sister were old enough to understand responsibilities. Every single bowl and utensil was cleaned within a few minutes and was put away in its correct spot in different drawers and cabinets. It now it meant that the four of them could do their own thing.

"Yeosang, Yookyung," Mr Kang stated, catching both siblings' attention, "We're going out to do a few things and we may be gone for roughly an hour or two. Not that I suspect that you two would do anything bad, but don't do anything bad while we're gone."

"We promise," Yeosang and Yookyung responded in unison. The two siblings watched as their parents walked out of the house, waiting for the door to close. As soon as the door closed with the familiar click of it shutting, the siblings began to make their way to their bedrooms.

"Stay out of my room," Yookyung said.

"Only if you stay out of mine," Yeosang responded. The two of them went into their own rooms and closed their doors, wanting to have their privacy from each other. The male immediately went over to his bookshelf that was mounted on the wall, getting the first book about the pirates of Wellerman. The one that he had picked out was possibly a little outdated because the pirate king seemed to be in his thirties in it and because it was published many years before he was born. He opened the book and the first thing that appeared was a drawn photo of who he assumed to be the then pirate king with his sword out to the then mayor. From what was written underneath and in the next page, it seemed like there was a war going on.

Yeosang had read the books on the Wellerman pirates numerous times and if he was being honest, it had seemed like each one was a little biased. It didn't help that each one was written by someone in Nam-gu. There was nothing that Yeosang could do about it because if he did do something, it would cause him to get into trouble with either the mayor of Nam-gu or the pirate king of Wellerman. That was what stopped him from ever going near Wellerman.

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