Drarry - Unexpected Romance

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Harry looked over at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall as Dumbledore was talking. Harry never really listened to his headmaster. He had a bad habit of zoning out and he knew it was disrespectful, but Harry always had other things on his mind. And at that time, it was Draco Malfoy. He didn't know why Draco was on his mind, but he was. He always was.

 In potions, Harry accidentally burnt his potion as he had let it simmer for too long because as usual he was thinking of Draco. Harry wondered what it would feel like to run his hand through his Draco's blonde hair, to touch his pale face, to kiss his soft lips, to - 

Harry snapped out of his fantasy as Ron was saying, "Harry? Harrrryyyyy?!, bloody hell mate, I've been trying to get your attention for ages!" 

 Oh sorry, I guess I was just in my own little world there said Harry with a blush creeping up his face, thankful that Ron didn't have a  clue on who he was staring at and the thoughts running through his head at that moment. Harry listened as Ron was telling him about the next Gryffindor quidditch match against Slytherin and who would be playing for the opposing team. 

So yeah, that git Malfoy bought his way onto the team, his daddy bought the whole team brand new expensive brooms! can you believe that? said Ron pacing up and down his work bench, are you even listening to me mate? your so distracted today, whats up with you? 

Oh, its nothing said Harry, just got a lot on my mind, you know, homework and quitdditch...you know...stuff. Harry tried to stop himself from looking at Draco so much but it was hard not too, he was so beautiful, maybe if he could just kiss him one time then he would know for sure if he was into boys or if it was just a little meaningless fantasy of his. He was pretty sure Draco  didn't feel the same way about him because he was always giving Harry snide comments and almost always had a girl on his arm, which upset Harry deeply, he wanted to be the one who was holding his hand and kissing him. 

What Harry didn't know, was that when he wasn't looking, Draco was actually checking him  out as well. Draco on the other hand knew he was into boys, he could never tell anyone of course. His father and most likely his entire family would disown him, and he didn't want the entire school finding out either, that's why he always found girls that were more than willing to be seen with him. He was part of a weathly powerful family, most of the girls at Hogwarts were power hungry and gold diggers anyway so it was easy enough to buy off their silence and have them pretend they were a couple, he also threatened them with the Dark Lord and mentioned that if they ever said anything to anyone he would have their entire family killed. He obviously would never go through with it but it was only to scare the girls so that they wouldn't reveal his secret to anyone, not yet anyway.

Later on that day whilst Harry was hanging out in the court-yard during one of his free periods, he seen Draco and his two buddies Crabbe and Goyle stalk up to him with a taunting look on their faces, for a change it wasn't Draco who started the verbal abuse, surprisingly enough it was the other two. He didn't think they had it in them to start something on him, not without the aid of Draco anyway. 

Look who it is, speccy, wimpy, little orphan Potter, where's your friends Potter? did they ditch you once they realised how pathetic you are? said Crabbe.

 Oh how original Crabbe, don't you have anything that's going to be  vaugely insulting to me? you lot have been spitting out the same comments day in and day out, and yet, I'm not offended or hurt by them so why don't you give it a rest eh? said Harry.

I'll give it up when I feel like it you little faggot said Crabbe

H-hhow dare you call me that, nervously said Harry as he raised his wand and aimed it at all three boys. Take that back or else!!

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