Off the ship

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Stede had been back for a fortnight, it had been difficult for them, Ed was not an easy forgiving person, it took a fight and their sweat and tears, but they managed to expose their feelings and talked things through, Ed was now finding himself again, he liked who he was when Stede was around him, and they were accommodating to each other's presence again.

Ed was slowly feeling at ease, at this instant he was feeling joyful. Moments ago he and Stede were having tea at the captain's cabin, now they were lying on the sofa kissing. Stede's kisses were sweeter than tea with seven sugars, Ed thought. He was impressed at how Stede had taken control over the situation and was now on top of him. Ed had never felt this way, he had been touch before, but not in this delicate and loving way... Stede's soft fingers were tenderly running down his chest while trying to carefully unbutton his leather jacket while his lips were on his neck, they felt soft and warm, Ed was feeling aroused, but at the same time he was experiencing this unknown tickling in his belly. He wasn't sure before, but he now knew Stede desired him, and then the thought came to his mind, oh god we are having sex, this is happening!

All the sodden a wooden noise startled them, the door opened wide while Lucius entered the room abruptly calling, "Stede, Ed we need you up there, wee... wooooohh, ooh my gosh, I'm sorry..."

Ed looked at him with menacing eyes, Lucius had seen that look before, right before Ed pushed him off board, he feared for his life and nervously tried to leave the room.

Stede stood up from the sofa and adjusted his shirt "Lucius wait, what's going on?"

"Ahhmm we need to move, and we don't know where are we going, could you give us directions?" Lucius nervously said.

"Just sail east, you twats!" Ed grunted.

Stede turned to give a disapproving look to Ed, he tucked in his shirt and he also tucked up his boner and said, "let's go up and talk about where does everybody want to go, we'll decide it as a crew."

Ed began to speak in a sulky tone, "But I want to stay here, we were going to—"

Stede frowned and interrupted Ed's words, "Our captain's duty comes first, the crew needs us on deck, we can finish what we were doing later."

Lucius gave a little blushing smile at them, Ed responded with a shut up look while Stede exited the room on his way to the deck, Lucius turned immediately to follow him.

Once they were sailing with a steady route, Stede knew things aboard the revenge would be calmer and it will be a perfect time for him and Ed to return to what they were doing earlier, he thought about doing something special and romantic for Ed. He commissioned Roach to prepare a delicious 5 course dinner with the provisions they had obtained from looting a French ship the day before.

They were at dessert, a yummy pear and rum tarte, Ed had managed to eat his meal properly, using every single piece of cutlery right, he grabbed the little dessert fork at the top of the setting and took a bite of the tarte, a little moan of pleasure came out of his mouth.

Stede was looking at him with fascination and said, "This is rather exquisite, is it pleasing your sweet tooth, Ed?"

Ed blushed, he whipped his mouth, got up his seat and walked across the table to Stede's side.

"I find that dessert to be quite sweet, I like it, but you know what do I want to taste tonight?"

Stede playfully answered, "Some of that pretty looking macarons we stole from the French?"

Ed grinned and spoke with a very seductive voice, "You."

Stede trembled at Ed's words, the idea of being desired by the greatest pirate on the seas was exhilarating.

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