|Louis James Moriarty| Sick of It

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Requested By: AshleaMcCullough

Tag/s: Fem!Asthmatic!Reader

Warning/s: Historically and medically inaccurate (I only googled what medication for asthma is like in Victorian times)

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"Eugh...!" you groaned, covering your mouth as a man let out a puff of smoke in front of you.

You let out a cough as you covered your mouth, your throat getting itchier.

"Care for a try?" a woman asked as she sprayed perfume on you.

"N-No, thank you!" you quickly replied, trying to run up to Louis.

"Louis...!" you coughed, feeling your chest tighten as you choked.

"(Y/N)?" Louis called, looking back at you.

You got into another coughing fit, gasping for air as you held onto your throat and toppled over.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted, rushing to you and making you sit up.

"Relax, okay? Steady your breathing," he encouraged, making you focus on your breathing.

Louis quickly looked around and saw a stack of paper bags on a nearby stand.

"Excuse me," he quickly said as he grabbed one and opened it.

"Here," he muttered, putting the bag over your mouth as you tried to take slower breaths, starting to calm down.

"Thanks..." your grumbled, standing up as Louis aided you.

"What happened?"

"Just my asthma acting up, don't worry about it," you reassured as you cleared your throat.

"Asthma? Since when?"

"Since I was a kid, but it's been pretty fine," your shrugged, walking past him.

"So, what's next? The fruit stand, was it?" you asked, looking around.

"...We should head back," Louis muttered, making you stop and look back at him.

"B-But we haven't finished shopping,"

"I can finish the rest some other time," he reassured, making you bite back a frown.

"...Okay, let's head back,"

You let out a long sigh as you walked into your room.

It's been months since Louis (and everyone else) knew about your illness.

Unfortunately for you, it seemed that it was getting worse, and you were getting more asthma attacks.

Because of this, everyone started to become protective of you, especially Louis.

"That's the second attack this week..." you muttered, scratching the back of your neck.

"Agh...!" you groaned into your hands.

You took a deep breath as you slapped your cheeks.

"Oh, well... No use dwelling on it," you muttered, heading downstairs.

"And you're sure this doctor is genuine, Nii-san?" you heard Louis ask, making you stop on the stairs.

"Positive," William answered, "I checked his research and background. If anyone's going to help (Y/N), it would be him."

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