Chapter 20: Almost Perfect Kill

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"Good job guys, I'm going back to Jack but I'll see you later."

"Bye Lily." Aven and I said in unison.

"Aven I'm going to go do stealth, feel free to join." I announced it to him.

"Alright, I might go do spears with Damien and Kaia."

"Ok, I'll see you later." We parted ways and I went over to the stealth station. On my way as I was passing the tridents station a trident came hurtling at my back. Luckily I had quick reflexes so I turned around, grabbed the trident and hauled it at a dummy. It struck the dummy in the heart which would be a perfect kill in the arena. I looked at the trident station and I saw only Tora, standing there gaping at me.

I looked her dead in the eyes before carrying on with my journey to the stealth station. I was not going to give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me.

"Next time you throw a trident, don't throw it at someone who a) comes from district 4 and b) could kill you with one in two seconds. Better watch your back because in the arena you won't have a dummy for me to throw at." I growled, turned around facing the stealth station, then flipped her off as I finished my journey to the stealth area. The training centre went dead quiet when I sassed Tora after she threw the trident but slowly returned to the quiet buzz. I worked on the stealth station for the rest of the day, wishing to hide away from people.

Training finished and Aven and I headed back to our floor whilst Tora and Orion were giving me looks of utter hatred. If looks could kill I would be 6 feet under. Once they left the elevator and it was only Aven and I he told me,

"That was awesome Aria!"

"Uh thanks, she was being a bit too arrogant. No one likes a bully."

"You got that right, you definitely put her back in her place."

"Yeah, I guess I did." We stopped talking there as the door opened on our level. We stepped in and I was bombarded by Talia.

"What were you thinking Aria!!! I can't believe you did that, do you know how badly that reflects on me? In the district?"

"Talia, I'm going to ignore you because in case you didn't realise, she threw the trident first, and she threw it at ME!" I informed her whilst sitting casually on the couch. I was too distracted by my other thoughts to bother about being polite.

"Oh where's Finnick."

"Right here." I like up and see Finnick emerging from the kitchen with a cup of something.

"Finnick tell her what she did was wrong please." Talia pleaded. Finnick looked at Talia, then at me.

"Good job Aria." He smirked at Talia.


"Talia, I don't think you understand that she doesn't have many targets in her back anymore. She did a good thing, trust me." I smiled at Finnick as a non-verbal thank you.

"Let's all have dinner then, better not dwell on this." Talia concluded, clearly defeated. Mags enters the room just as we all sit down to eat.

The table was covered in a feast of various meats and vegetables and dishes that made my mouth water. Despite seeing all this tempting food I controlled myself and took a reasonable portion, knowing the arena wouldn't be as kind. I took a spoonful of pasta coated in a thick creamy sauce and a chicken leg which was extremely delicious. Talia however loaded her plate with an assortment of nearly everything on the table.

"Well, the second day of training tomorrow. You've both made a good impression on the capitol and Mags and I have already had potential sponsors come talk to us." Finnick informed the group.

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