Chapter 1: goodbyes

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My name is Aria Tides. I am from district four and I am 12 years old. I live on the beach which is a 20 minute walk from my old house. I say my old house because after a certain group of accidents I wasn't allowed to live by myself. My family before, from what I can remember, was a happy family. My dad was called Oliver, my mother was called Lila and my sister was called Willow. I wish I could have had more time with them but fate is cruel and unforgiving. My sister was reaped for the 64th annual hunger games.

"Willow Tides." The escort called. The crowd turned and looked at her as they parted like the red sea. I remember my mother screaming for her to stop as she walked to the stage, sealing her fate. She stood on the stage proudly and I could only stand helpless next to my mother and father as I watched the sister I loved so dearly be ripped away from me. Willow was 17 years old and almost made it out of all her reapings, almost. The escort then called for the male tribute.

"Hunter Maroth." He walked to the stage and he and my sister shook hands. The reaping ended and peacekeepers escorted us to the justice building in which we would be allowed to say goodbye. I may have only been 5 but I knew that the hunger games weren't good and I may never see my sister again. I was naive though and had a hope my sister would still come back. My mother burst through the door and flung herself on my sister. Willow had tear stained cheeks as we had a big group hug.

"I don't want you to go," I whimpered into her hair as she picked me up.

"I know Aria, I know. I'll do my best to come back to you, I don't want to leave either."

"You'll come back won't you?" I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Aria," she paused looking at the floor then deep into my hazel ones, "You know I can't make promises like that, but I can promise I will be thinking about you all the time. I promise to try my best to come home to you, mama and papa." She placed me down carefully then wrapped her arms around my parents.

"We'll miss you honey, we'll try to make you proud." My mother sobbed.

"Mother, you have already made me proud. You are both incredible and I couldn't ask for better parents." She then whispered something into my parents ears. My dad then slowly caressed her cheek.

"We'll miss you every second you're away princess. You have the strength and courage to make it. We'll be rooting for you all the way." dad spoke softly gazing deeply into their matching sea green eyes.

"I'll miss you too." She whispered. I ran up to her and hugged her legs tightly as if I would never let go. She then bent down to my level.

"Aria, I want you to take this, whenever you see it smile, for me." She handed me a ring with an infinity sign on it.

"Because you make me happy Aria, and I need you to remember when I'm gone, you can still smile and laugh. I won't be gone, my love will be in this ring." Tears were now cascading down my cheeks as she slid the ring into my palm. She made it sound like she knew she wasn't going to come back.

"I have something for you too," I pulled out a silver necklace with a sleeping dragon on it. I handed it to her and she immediately pulled it around her neck.

"Because you are brave and loyal. I use it as my good luck charm and you need it more than I do" She looked at me with tear glazed eyes.

"It's beautiful, just like you. Thank you. Now before I go I want to see you all smile, then I can leave peacefully." She addressed us all and we complied. I smiled the best smile I could as she sat back down on one of the plush white sofas. Suddenly my wrist was grabbed by a peacekeeper. I struggled for a couple of seconds until I realised it was useless.

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