24.Dirty thoughts.

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Author's POV

It's was a good week , Grandpa and Grandma left for their home on Sunday Afternoon after all of them having lunch.
Both Ohm and Nanon gave kisses to Grandpa and Grandma and send them off.
Then they reached their apartment. Both felt it was so silent.

Nanon : It's quite now. Isn't it?

Ohm : Hmmm. Very much.

Nanon : I miss them already.

Ohm : Same. How about we go out in the evening like for a walk.

Nanon : Sounds good.

Both in the evening went to park for a walk. Ohm saw a kids playing and lot of couples, holding hands , feeding eachother ice cream, kissing etc.
Nanon cleared his throat as Ohm stood at a place looking around. Ohm responded.

Ohm : Do you remember when we were kids one day you went Missing.

Nanon : I was not missing, I went to your house to play with love. And after I came back to collect you , you were crying like you lost something precious 🤣🤣🤣

Ohm : It was. And I was worried.

Nanon : Huh?

Ohm : Nothing , but can you tell me why actually you left me that evening?

Nanon : I was- you were not paying attention towards me and you were playing with other so I was jealous.

Ohm : Jealous.

Nanon avoided him walking away from him. Ohm stood there for a second watching his back as he thought Nanon was cute. After a minute he started walking fast so he can catch up with Nanon, He was so near to Nanon , he wanted to hold hands with Nanon but he was scared for no particular reason. Ohm brushed his hands with Nanon to watch his response , Nanon moved his hands away, Ohm was disappointed but not suprised , he face went down like a sad puppy, Nanon observed the tension between them he saw ice cream behind the tree at the corner. This was the chance, he held Ohm's hand and started running towards it. Ohm face lit up like a happy puppy he was running behind Nanon watching their locked fingers. Nanon came near Ice cream vehicle he ordered

Nanon : One chocolate with Oreo toppings and one butterscotch with caramel toppings. Ohm took out his wallet and paid for ice creams.
Nanon took butterscotch and handed Chocolate to Ohm.

Ohm : It's good.

Nanon : Yeah even mine too.

Ohm : But how do you know that I like chocolate with Oreo toppings.

Nanon : I - I just guessed it.

Ohm : Like there are so many toppings why only Oreo ? You guessed it 100% right. What are you ? Reading my mind.

Nanon : Chill. I saw you were eating that one day after office. So I just thought-

Both were eating their Ice cream in silence. Ohm : Is that good?

Nanon : Hmm. Pretty good.

Ohm takes Nanon's hands and licks the butterscotch ice cream from where Nanon licked. Nanon was so shocked by Ohm's behaviour.

Ohm : Hmmmm... pretty good. But I like chocolate more.

Ohm completed his ice cream fast and was watching Nanon eating ice cream.

(And what else do you think he was thinking 😏)

Ohm's POV

I watched Nanon licking his butterscotch ice-cream and I started thinking erotic images of him and Me, what if he one day lick my thing like he is licking his ice cream. To that stupid thought my dick responded by moving in my pants. I got up suddenly and I said

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