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hello ladies and gentlemen, bees in trenchecoats, gremlins and shapeshifters, today i woke up this morning and remembered how much i hate myself and how much I read smut :)

I remembered that i tried to do a smut challenge for like 🏳️‍🌈 ships but;
1)I  didn't know how to keep it going with my lack of attention span
2) i dont know that many 🏳️‍🌈 ships and i know even less that i would make smut of

I don't really want to start it up again so i'm just gonna put everything on here, and instead of using 1 billion hashtags, I'm just gonna list the ships that I have on here and put the fandoms as the hashtags so this one chapter or part or whatever is going to be updated like a million times!!

If you have any ships that you want me to do tell me the fandom tell me the ship and give me like two weeks so I can watch a few episodes or read a few chapters or whatever I have to do to understand their dynamics.

Thanks for sticking with me,
You're favourite Fiction Mole Rat<3

Boyf riends(BMC)
Boreo (The goldfinch)
NaruMitsu(Ace Attorney)

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