Stay... [Boreo]

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"You go ahead I'll follow, one or two days"

"You have to come, promise me"


" will go to Brighton Beach. That's where all the Russians hang out, a-and we'll go to school together-"


His lips were soft against my own, and although I have always imagined this, I cry at the way It happened.

"Good luck"

I let my hands return to my sides. I was ready to run home but the tug on my forearm stopped me. It felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something.


My eyes were practically wired shut as I turn to look at him but you can imagine my shock when I felt the same soft lips on mine once more, the feeling was soon followed by a new feeling, a cold feeling, the feeling of his hands cupping my face I almost didn't realize it when my hands began to wrap around his waist

" I-if I stay just one more day, do you promise that you're going to F-follow me and come to New York?"

I look at him, holding tears back, trying my best not to cry on the spot

"Yes Potter, I promise"

He lets go of my face, letting me return to my house, as a I run away I turn to see the taxi had drove off. I didn't see Theo or his bags. My heart sank at that moment.

He didn't leave me he couldn't have

It took almost everything out of me to not chase after that stupid yellow car

I'm glad I didn't...

Because if I had...

I wouldn't have seen his silhouette in his bedroom window.

"Я люблю тебя, Теодор Декер"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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