Jermey in the bathroom [Boyf Riends]

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Shit!! Why now of all times!?

That's all I can think!! I leave the house for the first time in two weeks for something other than school and now is the perfect time to get a boner apparently. Normally I would just go home but today I'm at the mall with my friends(Christen, Chloe, Rich, and Michael, of course) and if I try to go home then they'll ask me what's wrong. So I have to go with my best bet.

" Hey Imma go to the bathroom really quickly"

I said, as I wrap my sweater around my waist

" OK we'll l be here when you get back"

Chloe chuckles. I quickly walk over to the bathroom. It's completely empty because the mall isn't that busy today, so I had the bathroom all to myself

I go into a stall, sit on the seat (it's clean) and pull out my cock.

At first, my grip is lose as I'm unsure that I even want to do this now but as I move my hand up and down it shoots chills up my spine and I know I won't be able to leave until I finish

I start to move my hand and I pretended that I'm in my bedroom, that I'm not alone. I imagine Michael is there with me and that he's jerking me off right now


I muttered to myself, my right hand massaging my slit as my left moves my hair from my face.

"You're doing so good for me, Jer"

Mind Michael tells me, he may not be Heere for real but I can still feel the warmth from his mouth

I wanted to grip the side of the toilet but I could only imagine how nasty it was. I stroked faster my grip growing my loose yet the gentle touch still managed to make my cock twitch

My muted shaky whimpers fill the bathroom and my mouth moves without my brain


In my head Michael is watching me and he's "helping" me. In my head he's kissing my shaft and massaging the tip. In my head Michael Mell is all mine








"Fuck . . . Footsteps"

I didn't know who's it was but I did know that I had to be as quiet as possible if I didn't want to get caught

I covered my mouth with my free hand and prayed that they would go

"Jer? Are you in here?"

My eyes widened, then get extremely heavy and my brain going mushy with lust

It's Michael ... In the bathroom ...With me!!!
In any other situation I would be over the moon happy to be alone with him but he doesn't even know if  actually even I'm in here

"Jeremey? Are you ok?"

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize I was breathing so damn loud,

I thought for a moment... maybe less than a moment

Fuck it

There isn't any point in hiding it now

I let myself moan into my hand, then out loud stroking faster as the knot builds in my stomach. My eyes started to flutter and roll


...the door started to open

A loud groan made its was out of my mouth followed by a gasp as my cum flowed out of my cock


My post nut clarity started to set in making me realize that I just came to and in front of my crush AND my best friend. He just stared at me, scanning me up and down

I wanted to say something, anything! But I couldn't. He closed the stall door, I heard him walk away but he didn't leave.

I wipe off my dick with some toilet paper and go to wash my hands feeling more embarrassed then ever  before

"I ... uh I heard you, you know... saying my name"


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