Chapter 1 : A Chance

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The star stream no longer exist and the world has been saved. Childrens now don't need to worry about monsters roaming the streets no more, the adults now can take a breath.

Everyone can now experience happiness again after the apocalypse. However, a certain group of people seems to be a little different than everyone else.

The hospital is packed as usual. In one of the rooms lay a sleeping person, the person who had lead heroes on getting the 'ideal' end a reader would've wanted. Kim dokja, demon king of salvation, the ugliest king, oldest dream. He has many different titles, but even so, the most familiar one should be demon king of salvation. Beside the bed he laid on is a man in his 30s who is currently reading a book for the sleeping man. He is his one and only life and death companion, Yoo joonghyuk.

The man who is respected by many and is considered the korean's-no, the world's hero. He read the book towards his companion knowing that somewhere out there he is actually listening to every single word he said. The man had loved stories. After all, he is his one and only reader.

It is February 15 and the Kimcom members gathered inside Kim dokja's room to celebrate the man's birthday. They had brought a cake and as they sang together, some shed tears and cried, sobbing quietly. Kim dokja is someone they cared deeply. This man is someone who guided them to a happy life full of companionship and thought them many things.


"Happy birthday ahjussi"

"Happy birthday hyung"

"Happy birthday dokja"

They gathered around the bed, smiling. The kids have grown up along with biyoo who looked exactly like Kim dokja. Lee jihye had graduated happily and everyone have lived a good life.

"Hyung, we bought a good cake for you! Yoosung and i had saved up money to buy the ingredients. I hope you like it!" Gilyoung cheered and pointed at the chocolate cake. It was decorated with white whipped cream and strawberries on top. Yoo joonghyuk had baked the cake with everyone else, but the kids insisted on buying the ingredients using their savings.

"I brought flowers. " Hyungsung and Heewon put a beautiful bouquet filled with white flowers that has specks of gold on the petals.

Everyone chatted and spent their time laughing, sharing memories, and make bets. That was until they heard the door open and footsteps in front of the door. A beautiful pale lady walked in. She wore a white silk dress, gold and diamond accessories. Yoo joonghyuk moved to block her way. Everyone stood up and glared at the lady.

"who are you." Yoo joonghyuk said sternly.

"Ah, I mean no harm. I apologize for not notifying you all." She bowed.

"Who. Are. You."

"Alright alright. I am Creator Mirai, a friend of Kim dokja."

Everyone flinched and Yoo joonghyuk started to frown deeply. The lady however, was smiling.

"Yoo joonghyuk, would you like to get him back?" She grinned widely. Her grin is an exact replica of a certain someone from another dimension who seems to scam people a lot.

"How can i trust you..." He shook a little but regain his composure back.

The lady looked towards biyoo. Biyoo flinched and walked towards the lady.

"You feel a lot like him."

"I do, don't i? He is someone me and the readers cherished after all."


"I can only reveal them if you accept to get Kim dokja back."

Everyone wasn't sure but biyoo immediately agreed. Everyone was shocked and didn't know why she seems so confidents and certain that we can trust a person who suddenly shows up, a stranger.

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