Chapter 2 : Son of a Murderer

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The surroundings changed and showed two people sitting on top of a bed reading a book. A mother and a boy. The child's bruises has healed a little and that made them all sigh in relief.

"I guess he has always been a reader.." Han sooyoung said.

The scene changed again, but this time it was black. Everything was black and the only thing they could hear is the child, Kim dokja's voice and....Blood..

< Father...He grabbed a knife>

Everyone's eyes shook. 

<Is he going to hurt us with that?>

<NO! Don't hurt mama>


The view changed once again.. a scene that seems like it would be in a movie showed up in front of them. The mother held the child behind her to protect him while the man holds a knife and pointed the sharp object at them. He started to laugh and shout.


He charged at the two people and swung the knife almost hitting the child. The mother pushed the child just in time before the knife hit him. He fell on the ground in tears, he was very scared. The man slipped and fell to the floor as the knife slid away from his hand.

<The knife...>

"" someone muttered, no one knows who said that, but paid no attention to it.

<I can't let mother get hurt..>

"Kim dokja." Yoo joonghyuk clutched his fist tighter.

The child, in a panic grabbed the knife and ran towards the man. A woman shouting could be heard but the voice seems to be very far away.



<I stabbed him...>

The woman grab the shoulders of the trembling child and spoke.

"Dokja, I killed him...okay? You are a victim."

<[][][][][][] k[]l[][][] father...>

It was censored. 

" That.. should be spelled 'mother killed father'... right?" Lee jihye who had been silent all this time said something for once.

"'Mother lied' The missing letters.." Yoo Sangah said while crying.

"..." The scene was overwhelming and Yoo joonghyuk was speechless along with the others.

Sirens filled their ears and red and blue lights shines brightly as if it's the only thing they could see. Blood flowed out of the dead body as the two people beside it trembled and panicked. 

Then a bright yellow light glowed on top of the child's head. It was a key in a shape of a knife.

Han sooyoung grab the key and clicked her tongue.

"Such a horrible design..."

'Who makes a key out of something like this??'

Other than the loud siren, they could hear the sound of a train nearby. They walked outside of the small apartment and saw the same endless train from before on the road right behind the cops and ambulance. 

The door opened to reveal Mirai standing there with a sad smile. They got onto the train without anyone saying anything. The door closed and the train disappeared. 

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