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Lexi here. Blah blah blah, I'm skipping yhe whole intro.

This story is a companion story to Monster High and will also have votes. However the votes here will be slightly different.

Votes this time around will include choices such as event triggers that will coincide with a girl. The girl with the most events will be the romantic interest. But this time I'll make it slightly easier by telling you who the girls are.



Apple White!

Blondie Locks!

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Blondie Locks!

Lizzie Hearts!

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Lizzie Hearts!

Lizzie Hearts!

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Raven Queen!

Maddie Hatter!

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Maddie Hatter!

Maddie Hatter!

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Cerise Hood!

But wait! A twist!

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But wait! A twist!

Not only will these choices effect your romantic relationship, but also your school relationships!

If, for example, you side with the Royal characters more than the Rebels, you'll be seen as a Royal. And vice versa. And that will result in what kind of ending you'll get.

That's all the info you're getting from me!

Now, for Ever After High!


Ever After High (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now