Whispering Wisps

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You read the first riddle over and over again to yourself as you and Raven left the school, crossed the Troll Bridge, and entered the Village of Book End. The cobblestone main street was mostly empty, the shop fronts quiet, doors closed, as if the village were in mourning. The news of Maddie’s banishment must have already spread.

Raven: Whispers three, whispers three…Glowing in forests… curses, I can’t make sense of it. You know who is really good at solving riddles?

Y/N: Maddie, and we can’t ask her. How about Kitty Cheshire? She’s a Wonderlandian, too. I bet she’s royally good at riddles.

Raven: But she’s terrible at keeping secrets. How about Lizzie Hearts?

You winced.

Y/N: I rather not drag anyone else in this. I had to pretty much fight Ruby to keep her from coming. And, honestly, I don't feel all good with you coming along either.

Raven: Tough luck. Besides....

Y/N: Further proof that Maddie is indispensable! We can’t risk asking her, but we should go to the tea shop, anyway. The riddle mentions tea twice. It’s our best clue.

And right now, your only lead. You had about 21 hours before you were banished alongside Maddie.

Raven: But… but Maddie will be there all day with her dad, and imagine how she’ll feel when we can’t talk to her.

Y/N: Raven, we’re doing this for her, and if telling her would break the spell…

Raven stopped before the red front door of the Mad Hatter of Wonderland’s Haberdashery & Tea Shoppe. She took a deep breath.

Raven: Okay, but this is going to be terrible, because not only can’t we talk to Maddie at all… well, we can’t even risk thinking about the spell while we’re with her.

You nodded.

Y/N: Right. Maddie sometimes hears, um, a voice she calls the Narrator, and that ‘Narrator’ reports on what people are thinking.

She figured you would have known about that.

Raven: Alright. Clear your thoughts.

You took a deep breath let your mind go blank and opened the door.

The first thing you noticed was the quiet. Usually the tea shop was full of chatting customers, their conversations like the harmony to the melody of piping teakettles and clinking silverware.

The Mad Hatter was sitting at one of the empty tables. His large, black-and-white-striped top hat in his hands, his thinning mint-green hair exposed.

Mad Hatter: No room! We’re closed!

He was always shouting silly things like that, but this time you believed him.

Mad Hatter: Oh, it’s you, Raven Queen.

The Mad Hatter smiled wide around his bucked front teeth.

Mad Hatter: How is a Raven like a writing desk?

Raven: Neither is able to feel happy today.

The Mad Hatter nodded, and his smile slipped away.

Mad Hatter: I’m going with her, of course. Closing up shop. Do you think they like tea in Neverland?

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