She's Gone & It's My Fault

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I in no way [ nor attempt ] own inuyasha or any other characters. I own only the story plot &. what ever. Read it &. if you feel like showing love give some ! :) -T.N. <3

She's Gone & It's My Fault.........[ Inuyasha's POV ]

"Kagome!" I screamed. "Wait!" I pleaded. Before I could get the words out she was gone. "KAGOME! COME BACK!" I screamed after her as Kikyo laughed. "Let her go, Inuyasha. You have no use of her with me around. She's nothing but a weak stupid human." She said coldly. "I have to find her. I can't let her go." I said my voice barely a whisper. "You don't have to do nothing for her. Forget her she's worthless!" She said back. "Shut up! I have to find her before it's too late and stop insulting her!" My anger was rising. How could Kikyo sit and insult Kagome? "So now you want to defend her?! Inuyasha I-" "SHUT UP! I have to go." I said as I quickly put on my clothes to run after Kagome.

I was walking to the edge of the wood when what she was saying finally reached my ears. "So you love her more than me? You prefer her instead of me, Inuyasha?" She sat and cried. I stopped immediately and tried to think of words to calm and soothe her until I worked out everything. I couldn't tell what I should do. Go after Kagome or stay and comfort Kikyo. Kagome was pretty pissed. I could see it in her eyes but, there was something else there. Something I've seen a couple times in my time with her and I was usually the cause of it. Hurt. Kagome was hurt but, she always bounced back.

With a sigh I went back over to Kikyo and pulled her into my arms. I swore to myself that as soon as possible I would go and talk to Kagome. Kikyo tighten her arms around me and for the rest of the night we slept in each others arms.


In the morning Kikyo was gone when I awoke. I decided that was my chance to go find Kagome. I quickly dressed and sniffed the air to pick up her scent. When she ran last night I've never seen her run so fast ever in the time I've known her. She ran with a speed I never knew she had. Her sent lingered in a clearing for a while so that must have meant she stopped for a while. I picked up another path she ran in and I recognized where she was headed. Kieday's house. She must be there still sleeping, so I picked up my pace but tried to make no noise so I wouldn't wake anyone.

When I entered Kieday's house, the old woman was up cooking something in a pot. I looked around but didn't find Kagome any where. She must have gone outside or something. "Where's Kagome?" I asked. "She said she was going to make a quick trip home to grab more supplies. She said you guys are heading out today and that she'd  be back by this morning but, I haven't seen her yet." It was still early but I decided to go after her. "She also said not to come looking for her. She said she'd be back." Kieday said as I turned towards the door. I stiffened and nodded my head. Kagome was angry and I wasn't going to make that any worse.

I decided to sleep until she returned. I stretched out on the mat in the old hag's house and let myself sleep. I awoke to a woman's voice humming and I immediately  opened my eye's. "Kagome I-" I stopped. It was Sango not Kagome. She looked surprised but didn't say anything. "What time is it?" I asked.. "Inuyasha, it's the middle of the afternoon. You've basically slept the whole day." She replied. "Is Kagome back yet?" I asked. "No. She haven't been back yet. I'm starting to worry. Kieday said she'd be back by morning."She said. "Why'd she leave anyways?" She asked as Miroku came in. "Uh...." I felt my face stiffen as my cheeks reddened.

"Inuyasha what did you do with Kikyo yesterday? You and I both know that's the real reason she left.  Question is, what did Kagome see?" He said. " " I couldn't put what I had to say into words. I knew the would be just as angry with me. I looked away with shame in my eyes. Unfortunately Miroku understood with a gasp. "You slept with Kikyo, didn't you? Inuyasha you aren't that stupid are you? ARE YOU?" He accused. My anger spiked, "Stop calling me stupid! I didn't think Kagome would see!" "You are the dumbest person I've ever met Inuyasha! No wonder she hasn't been back! Go fix this NOW!" Sango roared. "I'll do what the hell I want when I get ready!" I screamed at her even though I knew they were right. 

I got up and left. As I ran to the well that connected Kagome's world and mines I tried to think of things to say to her. Nothing i thought of seemed worthy enough of an explanation. You're and idiot. I thought. Kagome will never forgive you for that! I snapped out of  it and ran faster. Eve thought I had no clue what to say to her I just had to make sure she was alright.

The well came into view and , without breaking my run, I jumped down it swiftly. I felt the magic of time whirl around me as I shifted from my world to Kagome's. My feet found the ground and I pushed against it and jumped out the well. I ran into Kagome's house and went into the living room. 

Everyone was sitting staring blankly at the table. Kagome's mom's face was so torn it hurt to look at her. Sota was crying silently and his grandpa was just sitting their shaking his head back and forth. No one seemed to notice me. "What's wrong?" I demanded, "Where's Kagome? Is she alright?" They slowly looked at me with pain in their eyes. What has happened? I thought to myself. "Where's Kagome?!" I demanded again. No one responded. Instead Sota brought me a piece of paper with writing on it.

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry this will be the only thing I leave after I'm gone but, it has to be this way. I'm going far far away to start over fresh and try to piece together broken parts of me. I can't tell you where I'll go but, I promise to you I'll be safe. Inuyasha shouldn't come looking for me but, if he does tell him I need no explanation. I already know his decision. It hurts for me to leave you guys but, it's something I must do if I am to able to be me again. Im sorry mom tell everyone I love them and I will always and forever love and miss them & keep them in my memory.

Im sorry and I truly Love you all,


"No." I said. I crumbled the note in my hand, my head bowed as the tears came rushing. Kagome left. "No!" I nearly shouted. My voice echoing through the quiet house. My body vibrated with anger and pain. It's all my fault. Kagome is gone forever all because of me. I won't see her cheerful face or brilliant smile. I won't get a chance to hug her or hear her sweet voice. She's gone and it's my fault. "No" I whispered. "No."

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