Leaving Forever

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I in no way [ nor attempt ] own inuyasha or any other characters. I own only the story plot &. what ever. Read it &. if you feel like showing love give some ! :) -T.N. <3

Leaving Forever.........[ Kagome's POV ]

As I sat around smiling as if happy with my family I couldn't help but think of what happened not even 2 hours ago. I kept a smile plastered on my face and I laughed when necessary. I didn't drop any hints about me leaving them forever, I rather them to be in ignorance. They will only beg me to stay and I didn't want to explain why that wasn't an option. Why i was soon approaching a break down. Why my heart was continually shattering into hundreds and thousands of pieces over and over again.

Get a grip, Kagome ! I fiercely thought to myself. No way was I going to let my last night here be destroyed by the waiting depression. I pushed all memories of that painful sight and those wretched emotion safely into a box in the back of my mind. It wouldn't hold forever but, it would hold long enough until I could tend to it.

"Kagome, how are things on the other side?" My mom asked. "Huh? Oh, everything is great. We found a couple more pieces of the jewel and are on our way to find more, once we rest up you know." I replied. "Well that's great to know. Any other things you and your friends may need? I can go grocery shopping to get some more of those chips and noodles they like to eat." She offered, generously. "Oh, mom, no thanks. We have a lot of stuff to carry around already and we still have some of the things you bought last time in store. Thank you, mom, for the offer." I replied. It was true they did have a lot of that stuff still saved and it was also true that I can't carry too much now. 

Dinner continued almost effortlessly. My brother, Sota, was very happy to see me and brag about how school was going. My grandpa was telling me more things about feudal japan and other sutras that Miroku would've probably loved. And my mother continued to try and find ways to help out. I loved them so much and when it was time for bed I wrote my mom a letter.

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry this will be the only thing I leave after I'm gone but, it has to be this way. I'm going far far away to start over fresh and try to piece together broken parts of me. I can't tell you where I'll go but, I promise to you I'll be safe. Inuyasha shouldn't come looking for me but, if he does tell him I need no explanation. I already know his decision. It hurts for me to leave you guys but, it's something I must do if I am to able to be me again. Im sorry mom tell everyone I love them and I will always and forever love and miss them & keep them in my memory.

Im sorry and I truly Love you all,


I folded the letter and put it in my pocket. It was now 11 p.m. and I was running out of time. I went in my closet and pulled out my secret stash of cash. Surprisingly, I had over 2 thousand dollars in it. Well saving up really did pay off. I broke my piggy bank and took out all it's change. I grabbed my two huge bags and crept silently down stairs. I stopped inside the living room to put my letter on the table, where I knew my mother would find it. I walked fast but, silently to the front door and opened it. Before I left I looked back at my quiet house where my family slept peacefully. A tear escaped and rolled slow and silent down my face. Not yet kagome, you still have stuff to do. I thought to myself. I quickly wiped away the tear and braced myself as I walked out the door to a new life.

Inuyasha's Decision, Kagome's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now