Welcome to FairyLand!

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Everything was nice,it was a sunny day,Fairyland had everything from street markets to magical hotels.Peter,Mj,Ned and "?" Wanted to see the city but then "?" Said something.
Ned, Mj and Peter:Yes?
?-I just wanted to tell you that...
(She slowly takes her suit from her backpack) my name is Wanda...
Ned-You've been hiding us this?!
Peter-That's amazing! But,you've been trapped?
Wanda-Sadly yes.
Mj-At least she has powers.
Wanda-Yeah,right (laughs softly)
As they walk through the village,it starts to get dark,a shining sign catches their sights,they decide to go straight there,as they got closer,they saw words saying "Hotel open 24/7" they decide to get in.
Mj-Hello? Anyone here?
A strange voice answers her.
Elf-Hello guys,how can I help?
Wanda-Can you get us a room,please?
Elf-Sure! For 4 people I see,right?
The elf gives the keys to Wanda and they go upstairs to open their room.
Mj-Well it's very nice at first sight to be honest.
Peter-Yeah,it has a green couch,a lamp,2 beds for 2,a TV and a white rug.
Ned-I think it was a big deal for being free.
Wanda-Get to bed,it's really late.
Mj, Peter and Ned-Ok
They get to bed:Ned with Wanda and Mj with Peter.
Wanda,Mj, Peter and Ned-Good night!
The night passes by,and the sun shining on Mj's forehead wakes her up.
Mj-Guys wake up!!
Peter wakes up.
Peter-Good morning!
After 5 minutes they finally wake up.
Wanda-Oh my! We need to get out of here!
Wanda-The elf said to me if we stay more longer than we payed he would come here and trap us here!
They pack everything as fast possible and go out just to see a sign saying "Mall"
PART 14 OUT THE 12/5/22

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