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Hailie pov

I woke up from a dream. This might be the worst nightmare I have ever had but I dont even remember it. My whole body is covered in sweat and I immediately knew I wasnt gonna be able to fall back asleep so I decided to get up and get something to drink.

About two weeks ago I moved in this apartment and since then I had to deal with nightmares almost every night and if I am being honest, its fucking exhausting.

Tomorrow I had to go to college but I wouldn't even get enough sleep until then.

I decided to text my dad.

Me: Hey dad, can we talk when you're still up?

I wasn't actually expecting a reply since it's almost 1am in the morning, but surprisingly dad replied.

Dad: Of course. Everything okay? Should I come around? It wouldn't be a problem Hailie.

I thought about it for a moment.

Me: Only if it's okay for you...

Dad: Alright I'll be there in 15 or so.

Aw, I love him. Actually I feel a bit bad for him because I know that he is working a lot at the moment. But I also know that I couldn't do anything against him coming around.

I decided to watch some televison while I am waiting.


A bit later my dad knocked on the door and I opened and let him in.

"Okay tell me, Hailie what's wrong?", he asked me while he stepped out of his shoes.

"Dad", i sighted. "I don't know."

"No tell me, Hailie. Do you still have these nightmares?"

I nodded. "I don't know what I can do against them. I don't know..." My voice cracked. "It's just fucking exhausting."

"Oh no come here", he said with a calming voice and embraced me. "How long did you sleep?"

"Maybe two hours?", I said. "But everytime I wake up at night I cant fall back asleep. And it went the whole week just like this." My voice cracked again because I just realized that this is an actual problem. Tears started to run over my face but I stayed quiet.

"Hailie, baby, don't cry."

Marshall pov

Oh god I cant stand seeing my daughter like this. We sat down on the sofa so she could lean against me. She started to cry and her tears soaked into my grey hoody. I rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her down.

"Everything's gonna be alright Hailie. And you know that you can always call me nd talk to me or I come over.", i said. I wanted that she knew that I am always there for her. I mean she already knows that but I always make shure she doesn't forget it.

"I know dad... and thank you... but I dont know. Its just so annoying and I dont know what to do. I mean I have to go to college tomorrow but I... just can't." She started to sobb again. I tightened my arms around her and gave her small pecks on the head to calm her again.

"Do you think it's because of the new apartment?", I asked her.

"Dad, I dont know. I really don't. I mean it started when I moved here. But I don't see why...", she sighted and leaned her head back on my chest.

"Should I stay here for the night?", I asked because I thought it might help.

I noticed that she thought about it for a moment. "Dad, you don't have t-"

"But I want to. Hailie cmon.", I interrupted her. "You have to sleep you cant stay awake all night."

"Thank you", she said and smiled at me. Than she got up the sofa.

"Oh yeah and one more thing, Hailie.", I added before she could walk away. "Tomorrow you're not going to college. I think you need a day off. Maybe you are ill or something. How about that."

At first she seemed kinda shooked but than she grinned at me. "Dad! You're such a bad influence on your daughters!", she yelles in a high piched voice. "Shouldn't you be a good role model? Because you have a responsibility to these kids."

We both had to laugh about Hailie immitating all the journalists with their stupid questions.

"Anyways I don't mind skipping one day of college. But only one.", she smiles. "But can I come to your place with you tomorrow?"

"Everytime, Hailie."

I got up as well and put my arms around her. "But you have to sleep now. Cmon."

Hailie pov

The next day I woke up early in the morning. It was only 6am but I immediately felt this inner unrestlessness again so I got out of bed. I walked down the stairs extra quiet because I didn't want to wake my dad up.

I decided to make some breakfast.

After about half an hour dad came into the kitchen.

"Hailie this is stupid. You could've slept until noon and you decided to wake up before the day even started. I can't believe this.", he joked.

"What do you mean?", I asked and tried to look confuesd but couldn't hide the smile on my face. "But cmon dad there wouldn't be no breakfast for you then,  so be thankful"

He rolled his eyes and began to place the dishes on the table so we could eat as soon as possible.

"But how'd you sleep", he asked concerned as we started eating.

"A lot better. But I don't know."

"Good. But you still don't wanna talk about it?"

"Dad", I sighted. I didn't know what to say because I can't even remember those dreams the next morning.

It seems like he is still waiting for a response but I ain't got one.

"I don't know what to tell you. Because there ain't shit to tell you. I mean I don't even understand this either. I don't know what my fucking problem is!", my voice is getting lowder because I was getting really upset.

"Hey, no reason to yell at me, okay?!", he said harshly. "But Hailie I just want to help you." His voice was getting really soft again.

"I  d o n t  k n o w  d a d", I repeated but than suddenly I started to tear up again and I didn't even know why exactly.

My dad walked around the table and laid his arms around me. "Hailie, baby, cmon don't cry, baby", he wispered.

"I just dont understand it", I sobbed and buried my face into his tshirt.

"Hailie everything's gonna me good, alright?", he said to calm me down and it really helped me.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry", he whisperes and kissed me on the head before he walked into the kitchen to bring me a glass of water.

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