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"Uhm Amber. So I'm with Hailie right now and she actually isnt okay...so I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanna come around. Maybe it helps when you talk to her too?"

"Yeah of course", she said. "I'll be there in 5 minutes or so"

"See you", I said and hung up.

Than I stood up and started to clean up the coffee table real quick. I didn't really wanted Amber to see the pills... but i still havent talk to Hailie about it. Right now it really isnt the right time.

All I know is that she avoided eye contact with me while I removed the pills from the table.

Than I heard the door bell and went to open it.

"Hey Mr Mathers", Amber said.

"Hey, come in", I said and let her come in.

"So whats wrong with her?", she asked really concerned.

"Uhm...she feels lonely very often I think and its everything a bit too much at the moment..but i think it would help when you talk to her a bit about it. I don't know."

"Oh okay..."

"Cmon", I said and layed my hand on her back to guide her into the living room.

"Hey Hailie", she said and sat down next to her and took her in her armd.

So I decided to just let them alone for a while and went into the kitchen.


I heard them talking a lot. Like a lot. But I didn't understand what exactly they were talking about. But it was fine by me. I decuded just to wait. So I called Skylar because i was actually very bored but didnt wanna leave.


"Hey Skylar...I'm with Hailie right now. But her friend is here too and they talk right now so I'm really bored..."

"Oh no Marshy dont cry."

"Hey stop that man", I said half upset half chuckling. "Don't call me that."

"Okay chill. Youre such a drama queen. You cant even be alone for 5 minutes", she giggled.

"Man Skylar stop it. It ain't funny at all", I chuckled but got very serious again. "So Skylar?"


"I wanna ask you some things because I dont know what to do..."

"What is it Marshall?"

"So Hailie has to deal with a lot right now. Like really a lot...and I got here and she was just sitting on the couch staring out the window. And then she told me that she stayed at home the whole week...and...than I saw all the pills on the coffee table..."

"Oh", she just said.

"Absolutely...and...they were the exact same pills I was popping when I was her age and...I don't know but I didnt say anything yet because I litterely did the same thing...", I paused but then continued. "She told me about her anxiety attacks and I had them too. That was the reason why I did drugs..."


"No wait. Because I dont know how to react you know...I just removed them from the table and put them into the bathroom before her friend Amber could see them you know..."

"Marshall? I think you need to talk to her. I mean she knows that you saw them so...", she sighted. "Marshall you really need to talk to her about it. But dont be angry at her or something. Just show her how much you care for her and that youll support her to go through this all without the drugs."

Life Of Marshall MathersWhere stories live. Discover now