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Marshall pov

Skylar and I just hang out in my house this whole week together and wasnt that happy in a long time ago.

We both just realized that this was the best decision we could make because now we dont gotta hide our feelings for each other no more.

And I just realized how happy she makes me everyday and I just love it.

But at the moment she isnt at home because she has a meeting in another studio so I just layed on the couch watching some football.

But I really wanted to call Hailie to finally tell her about the 'news'

"Hey dad", she said.

"Hey Hailie, how are you?"

"Greattt. But why're you calling?"

"Uhm. So Hailie remember when you said that Skylar and I would be cute together?...So it kinda happened I guess...", I couldnt help but smile.

"Oh my god dad!!! Are you serious right now?!!?!", she yelled into the phone.


"Oh my god I knew it!!! I'm so happy for you!", she said happily.

"Yeah I know...I'm happy too", I chuckled.

"I knew it from the beginning that you liked each other more than friends do. You're just soo...childish and have to wait 10 years man."

"Hey why is this childish?", I asked.

"Man I don't know", she giggled. "It just took you sooo long. But seriously dad, I'm so so happy for you."

"Thank you Hailie. You wanna come around tonight? We could have dinner all together", I asked.

"Yeah but only if Skylar's there too."

"Of course she is", I grinned.

"Aight see you then", she said.

"See you baby", I said with a huge smile on my face.

It just finally feels like my life is perfect. And I litterely ran around with that stupid grin on my face all day. But I couldn't help it.


After a couple of hours Skylar came back and I opened the front door for her.

"Hey babyy I missed you", I smiled and hugged her and gave her a loving kiss on her lips.

"Marshall I wasnt gone for more then 5 hours", she giggled and stroke her hand over my beard.

"I missed you anyways", I smiled and dragged her with me into the living room.

"Oh yeah and Hailie is coming around for tonight okay?", I asked.

"Of course. But she already knows right?"

"Yeah...I told her today."

"I knew it. Man you always have to tell her everything. The poor girl", she giggled as we sat down on the couch.

"Man I'm just so happy right now. And I wanted to tell her because I want everybody to know that you are my girl."

"It's okay Marshall", she laughed and layed her head against my shoulder. "I love you so much."

"I love you", I whispered before I pulled her on my lap so I could look at her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in to kiss me.

I just can't get over this wonderful feeling. Her lips tasted so good and were so soft. They just fit perfectly over mine.

I just never wanna let her go. I love her too much.


A bit later Hailie arrived.

I went back into the kitchen because I actually wanted to cook something but apparently I did something wrong so it tastes disgusting.

I was actually very mad before Hailie arrived because nothing went well. But Skylar calmed me down immediately.

Now I just put some pizza in the oven because I didn't want to try to cook again. I think I'm done with it.

"Oh no. Did dad tried to burn down the house again?", Hailie giggled.

"No he actually was just...cooking", Skylar mocked.

"Man stop. I was just tryna be nice. Now we have to eat this shitty pizza anyways", I said rolling my eyes, still a bit mad.

"At least you tried", Hailie grinned so I pushed her playfully and she giggled.

"Man Hailie", I sighted and hugged her for the first time for today. "Everything alright", I whispered in her ear and she nodded which made me really happy.

"Good", I said going back to the oven and took put the pizzas.


After we ate we just chilled on the big garden couches outside and it actually was really cozy because it was almost completely dark and there were just some lighters between the bushes.

We just talked about different things and I just enjoyed this moment so much so I layed my arms around both of them and pulled them into me.

Skylar gave me a little kiss on the cheek before I turned my head head face her and pressed my lips on hers. When we pulled away I saw Hailie smiling at us.

"I can't believe it!!! You're so cute together. I'm so happy for you two", she said with a big smile on her face. "I actually waited so long for this. Man..."

"Okay chill Hailie", I chuckled.

"Noo it just makes me so happy to see you both together", she said laying her head on my stomach. "I kinda just wanna leave you here alone outside", she giggled.

"Hailie!", I said.

But Skylar giggled and patted my head. "I think you're sometimes forgetting that Hailie isnt a baby anymore", she giggles.

"Yeah man", Hailie jokingly agreed.

"But shes still my babygirl. Cant help it", I said stroking her.

"What time is it? Because i have to go to college tomorrow anyways", Hailie asked.

"11", Skylar said.

"Ohhh man its sooo late. I better go now. I really need to sleep...", she grinned at me provokingly.

I just rolled my eyes at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead before she went inside.

"Shes funny", Skylar sighted and layed her head on my shoulder.

"Hey hey dont think about supporting her", I warned. "She can be soo annoying sometimes."

"Yeah and I find it funny when she provokes you like that", she giggled.

"Hey thats mean", I said, acting offended.

But than I decided to tickle her because I love her laugh soo much actually.

"Marshallll stop itttt", she laughed and after a few seconds I stopped and pushed her on the couch so she layed on it on her back.

I watched her pretty insens like I had to scan her to never forget her. Shes just so beautiful and I still can't believe were together now. Like together together.

"I love you", I just said before I bent down to kiss her.

Her arms went around my neck and she stroke her fingers through my hair because she knew that I love that feeling.

After a couple of minutes I pulled away, just to catch my breath. Then I picked her up beidal-style and went into my bedroom and layed her on my bed very carefully before I bent down to kiss her again.

This time the kiss became more heated and soon our clothes layed all over the floor...

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