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A feeling that often swirl from within as a situation beyond repair or a fact that cannot be change nor be fabricated transpire. It is a feeling that constantly encapsulate the self along with the trembling of the hands and the gut feeling of sickness.

It often shows how weak we humans are as we further succum to an immense fear of something.

However, can one question such fear when it could destroy the facade, the act,... even the happiness that once been created?

No. Yet the scarred lilly feared it. It weigh greatly over the fact of the past that has been in constant flaunting and taunting of its power and for her to give up. At that moment, she feared the future and not of the past. The future that she may never be there to guide and be with the people who made her smile - who gave her tranquility.

And she feared that this one time occurrence will pave the path to her future grief.

" Felix..." y/n called as she further wipe the remnants of crimson on her lips.

" What are you doing here, Sir Felix? Where's the princes-" the scarred lilly trailed.

" Wha-... How-... What was that?!" Felix cut off as the view he saw was one that made his core pulsate rapidly.

The two were never once been close, however, for the past months that they've been together-her taking care of the princess and him protecting them, they can be called friends of some sort. Felix respected y/n as a woman and a person, and that intensified the moment he saw the kind of woman she is. Her calm demeanour calms those around her. Her words flow freely but with substance and people are drawn not to her physicality but of something no one can point what.

Notwithstanding, the once shocked expression the scarred lilly had was wipe out the moment she heard the bells of destruction rang triumphantly in her head. However, with this, she brought her calm facade as her trepidation would rise the more she wouldn't think things through. And it caused confusion on the raging storm inside Felix.

" Apologies, Sir Felix. But I may not know of what you mean." y/n replied from the panicked question of Felix.

" What? I clearly saw it! There was bloo-"

" Your ravishing orbs might have played with you, Sir Felix. I have seen none a blood in he-"

" Don't lie to me, My Lady. I am a knight myself. I never would let my eyes play with me. Clearly, it was blood. I know what blood is, y/n. " Felix cut the scarred lilly off as he wouldn't let the matter go.

" Indeed, you are, good Sir. However, as I have said, it was no blood. " y/n pursued as she wouldn't let Claude's trusted aide know the secret she keeps.

Felix unable to rebut clenched his teeth as the truth is a clear blue sky he failed to get. However, instead of letting go of the topic, Felix took a hold of y/n's arm as she attempted to make an exit. The act shocked and confused the scarred lilly.

" Sir Felix, would you please let my arm go?"

Felix though, mumbled something the scarred lilly couldn't hear. The words flow like that of a discreet whisper.

" I'm sorry?" y/n inquired.

And along with that question, a rebuttal she never dreamed of hearing reverberated her ears.

" You're sick, aren't you?" Felix question as the orbs he had screamed that of someone that had known the truth. And it caused the calm facade to break. The mask to have a crack, and it let the fragile being that inhabit the truth from within be let off.

The seeping space showed how vulnerable she truly is. That behind the mask of calmness she wore, she is indeed a broken being beyond repair. And it tugged the strings of Felix. The scarred lilly he look up to. The person who is a mother to their princess, the very personification of goodness herself is breaking.

It hurts to know that the one's who are beyond the reach of the common people, the one's who leaned a hand to those who need, the one's who are good, are always the one's who suffer.

Silence it was for y/n. The words of persuation she needed to reply to Felix never came. The smart replies were cut off and it was as if her mouth refuse to say the words to decline. For truth it was that Felix had seen.

And without her consent, a water gently slids down from her ample cheeks, meeting the ground as it graces it with the honour of her tear. The calmness of her was replaced by the emotion she so never wanted to feel, dread.

Hence, that was all it took for Felix to loosen his hold. Even with the comprehension of the truth he had uttered, the view of which is proof of that truth is being slap ferociously on his face. It paled, in all sense.

But what flabbergasted, if one may say, to Felix was that even though tears decorated the scarred lilly's face, none a sound of sob reverberated his ears. And he question how much pain and grief the scarred lilly had gone through for her to smile even in tears.

It further broke him. The courage the scarred lilly had had him respect her even more, though part of him had scarred.

" I beg of you Sir Felix, let none have knowledge of what you know." y/n suddenly stated as she had calm herself, though her hands still tremble.

" W-what? B-bu-... they have to know! They have to know so the- no, we can help you." he said but y/n shook her head in decline.

" This is but a trivial matt-... "

" Trivial? Did you really think this is trivial?! It's a life- your life to be exact, and you would just say its trivial! Have you gone mad?! " Felix bellowed as he couldn't take what the scarred lilly had said.

" I apologize, but it truly is. This is a matter I have to face, alone. Being a burden is not something I would have wanted, Felix. " y/n replied, neglecting formalities.

" You're not a burden-"

"Please, I beg of you." was her words when she cut off Felix and before the most aggravating sight Felix has ever seen occurred.

The scarred lilly, the daughter of the esteemed and respected Marquis Bluemont, the only daughter and the only bearer to the rare divine magic, Y/n Daphne Bluemont, is bowing towards a knight and son of a Duke.

Surprise it was, but more so, pity. Felix, though never wanted to feel those as it would brand him as degrading the feelings of y/n, could not help but to feel those. In order to not let the cat out of the bag, y/n would do anything for it to be kept in a tight lease.

He saw it. The fear, determination, sadness, and grief that swirled in her eyes when Felix asked her to stand. She was the kind of woman he saw as someone to not show too much emotion. The kind of woman who is calm, collected, reserved. Hence, seeing this part of her literally had his heart to crumble. The illusion he saw was a mere drawing of what she wanted him - them, to see.

And that's when realization hit him hard. The calmness of her was a mere facade - no, never it was, but a deranged personification of the reality the being within her - herself that is, that she is, have and always will be...


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