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A person who's a superhero to their young. The light of the family. The bringer of joy and felicity. The one who calms the storm from each being. And the great personification of love and hope as one.

A mother is everything. She's one in a million and someone who one can never exchange unto. After all, who can compare to the love a mother had.

And that is what everyone in the room thought as their little princess sought for a memory of her biological mother.

Everyone was in shocked especially a certain someone as even she does not know personally who Diana is.

She knew the kind of woman she is. Her free-spirited nature and her glowing aura that lighten everyone's mood. She was a fairy after all. And the only fairy, who was able to make the cold Emperor love.

She was truly one of a kind.

" I'm sorry for I cannot do a thing for this, sunshine." the scarred lilly uttered as sadness is evident in her golden orbs.

" Ah!... M-mama it was just a question. I did not meant any of it. I have you so I don't need a picture of my other mother." Athy stated in panic.

" It's alright, Athy. She's your mother and it is of no cause that you would want to know about her." y/n smiled as she carries the latters cheeks.

" B-but... I really don't need to know! I have you now! "Athy snapped which surprised everyone in the room.

" Princess... " Felix, Anne, and Lilly trailed.

Even shocked by her outburts, Athanasia's orbs dilate, core pulsate harder as fear crept, taunting her being.

" I-I'm sorry! " Athy yelled as she made a run for it.

" Anne. Can you please follow her. I need to talk with Sir Felix and Lily here. " y/n requested.

" Alright, Miss."

After Anne followed Athanasia out of the room. The atmosphere became gloomy and none uttered a word.

" I'll try asking His Majesty for Lady Diana's pictures in his memories. " Felix broke the tense atmosphere.

" Will he agree though?" y/n queried.

" That-... "

" But the princess wants to see her mother. If I can I would share my memories with her, but His Majesty is the one who have most of it, for she was always by his side." Lily spoke.

The statement prick the scarred lilly's core yet she paid no mind to it. Although it would be lovely to know, however, she has a more depressing matter to solve.

" I'll... try to request it to the Emperor. " y/n declared which surprised her two companions.

" Y/n! No! What would the emperor think?! You know him enough to not ask about it!"

" Lady Lillian is right. The matter is a sensitive topic to His Majesty. It's better that I do it!"

Felix and Lilly disagreed.

" It's quiet all right Sir Felix. It's the only thing that I can do for my daughter and besides, it's better that I take the consequence than any of you. " y/n replied which angered Lily.

" But you are not her mother! It is not your responsibility to d-" Lily started yet came to a screeching halt as she realize her mistake.

Stupified by the statement, Felix's and y/n's orbs dilate. Although the scarred lilly easily masked the surprise and pain in her readied calm facade.

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