waking you with kisses

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The feeling of your boyfriend's soft lips brushing against the spot below your ear brought a smile to your face and began to slowly wake you up.

"Y/N, it's time to wake up." He spoke into your ear, his warm breath tickling it, causing a shiver to run down your spine.

He chuckled softly before he started to kiss you elsewhere, his lips moving from your ear to pepper a few kisses across your forehead.

"Are you awake, darling?"

You hummed contentedly, his fingers softly brushing across your sides as the words left his lips.

You still felt sleepy but it was hard to go to sleep when your heart was skipping beat after beat.

"Hm?" He asked, smiling a little as he kissed the corners of your lips.

"Yeah." You mumbled sleepily.

"Then open those pretty eyes for me." He said as he kissed below your eyes and then kissed your cheek.

He found his smile growing when you opened your eyes, gazing into his bright ones.

"Good morning, pretty."

You giggled as he began to pepper your face with kisses, his arms wrapping around you to hold you tight.

"Morning, baby." You said as you cupped his cheeks in your hands, brushing your thumbs across them as you gazed into each other's eyes.

"I've got the day off." He happily said. "What do you want to do today, my girl?"

You closed your eyes, grinning happily as he started to kiss your jaw.

You put your arms around him and felt your heart swell as you pondered his question, so much love for him that you wanted to do nothing more than stay right here in this bed with him, where you can hold onto him and kiss him all day.

"Stay right here. With you." You softly spoke and opened your eyes to watch him gaze at you in adoration.

He put his lips on yours, kissing you sweetly.

"Wake me up like this more often?" You asked, hoping to wake up with more of his loving kisses someday soon rather than your annoying alarm clock.

"If that's what you want, then that's what I'll happily do." He said before gently laying his hand on your cheek, kissing you again.

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