you steal his hoodie (requested)

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"And where do you think you're going?" Beomgyu asked and held you tighter as you tried to get up from the sofa and leave his arms.

You couldn't help but giggle as he squeezed you tightly and brushed his lips against your shoulder blade.

The boys were all in the room as well, as you're all sitting around in the dorm today to hang out and watch movies as the boys enjoy some time off.

"I'm cold!" You said and Beomgyu suddenly became serious, loosening his grip on you.

"Do you need me to grab you something?"

"No, don't worry about it. I left my hoodie in your room so I'm going to go and get it. I'll be right back." You said and quickly kissed his cheek before he let you go.

He watched you walk up the stairs, his heart swelling in his chest when he saw you smile at him before you turned the corner and went down to his dorm room.

He grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa so when you came back downstairs to curl back up in his arms, you'd be even warmer.

Knowing that he was waiting for you downstairs made you want to hurry back to him, so when you reached his room and saw your hoodie on the bed you went to grab it and go right back down to your sweet boyfriend.

But something caught your eye.

Across the room on the floor was one of Beomgyu's hoodies.

It looks as though, maybe, he shrugged it off during the night or early this morning before you arrived.

For some reason, you just didn't see it until now.

But now that you have, you changed your mind completely on what you want to wear to help you warm up.

You dropped your hoodie back on his bed and picked his up from off the floor.

You pulled it over your head and closed your eyes as you breathed in his scent, allowing for it to fill your lungs, which brought a big contented smile onto your face.

But you opened your eyes a few seconds later upon remembering that your boyfriend was waiting for you to return so he could cuddle you again.

So, quickly, you hurried out of his room and down the stairs.

Beomgyu was in the middle of talking to Taehyun when you appeared by his side again.

But as soon as you sat down beside him and laid your cheek on his shoulder, he looked away from his friend and over to you.

And his eyes lit up when he saw you wearing his hoodie.

Wrapping his arms around you, he smirked at you while his eyes lit up with stars.

"You stole my hoodie," He said as his smirk turned into a big, bright smile.

"Yeah." You proudly grinned as he ran his hands across your sides, sinking his teeth into his lip as he stared at you.

"You look incredible," he spoke as he kissed your lips softly. "I thought you'd be coming down here in your hoodie but this is a wonderful surprise."

"Glad you think like that because I'm stealing your hoodies more often. They're so warm and they smell just like you. I don't want to ever take it off."

His heart practically melted into a puddle and he just hugged you closely, peppering kisses across your head softly.

"Steal them whenever you want. You look better in them than I do."

You playfully rolled your eyes at him but he cupped your cheeks in his hands, shaking his head as he gazed adoringly into your eyes.

"I mean it. You're beautiful and especially in my clothes. I'm so lucky." He said before kissing the corners of your lips, making your heart skip a beat.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." He said before pulling you closer, proudly gazing at you in his clothes, swearing the sight only made him fall even more in love with you.

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