first night with your newborn (requested)

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Beomgyu rolled onto his side and went to wrap his arms around you to carefully pull you closer to him.

But the feeling of warm sheets where you usually lay instead of your warm skin against his fingertips made his eyes open quickly.

He blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness of the bedroom before looking at the clock on the nightstand to see that it was only a few minutes after one am.

Getting out of bed, he walked across the room to the nursery, where your newborn son was supposed to be sleeping.

He saw you standing over the crib as he stepped into the room and a little smile tugged at his lips as he came up behind you.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked as he kissed the back of your neck softly. "Was he crying?"

"No." You quietly replied. "But I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep because I just wanted to come in and see him."

Beomgyu's fingers brushed gently along your skin as he watched your son in the crib, listening to every breath leave his tiny lips as he slept peacefully.

He's only two days old but he's already your' and Beomgyu's entire world.

You've both been counting down the days until he'd arrive from the day you found out you were pregnant but it's been even more incredible than either of you could've ever imagined.

He's the perfect combination of the two of you with his father's eyes and your lips and the cutest little nose and ears that you've ever seen.

Your hearts are so full and you're just so, so in love with the little bundle of joy that you both made out of love for each other.

"I love him so much." You whispered.

"Me too," Beomgyu spoke as he put his chin on your shoulder. "He's even more perfect than I thought he would be."

You nodded, almost tearing up just from the immense love you have for your little boy.

"I know you just want to be in here with him but you need some sleep. You just brought a little human into the world and your body is still aching. You need to lay down and rest a little."

"I know." You sighed.

"He's still going to be right here when we wake up a few hours from now. He's not going anywhere, baby."

You couldn't deny that you were still hurting and your eyes were so heavy from the exhaustion that the last couple of days brought.

But just as you were about to give in and let him guide you back to bed, the sound of your son's cries began to fill the room.

"Oh, baby," You spoke softly as you reached into the crib and picked him up. "It's okay."

Beomgyu walked over to the chair with you and helped you sit down as you focused on trying to soothe your little boy.

"It's alright, baby. Shh, I'm here. Mommy's here." You comforted him as you rubbed his back.

"He's probably hungry," Beomgyu said as he knelt on the floor beside the chair, his eyes locked on you and the baby.

He was certain his heart was going to burst as he fought to hold back the tears filling his eyes just because he was so happy and so in love with his precious little family.

"Are you hungry, buddy?" You spoke before you began to feed him and Beomgyu took the opportunity to kiss your skin softly.

You both stared at your son in awe as he ate, his brown eyes moving between the two of you as he took you both in.

"The only time I've ever loved someone this much has been with you." You said as you looked at Beomgyu. "Other than that, I've never felt so much love for someone before."

"I feel the same way." He whispered and kissed your arm softly before brushing his fingers along his son's skin.

A few minutes passed by before he was finished.

"I'll put him back in his crib," Beomgyu said and you looked at him with a frown. "Baby, you're exhausted. I know you want to but you can't stay awake and just hold him all night. You have to get a little rest."

"Okay." You sighed before he carefully picked the baby up and rubbed his back as little whimpers left his lips.

After a moment, he placed the baby in his crib and then helped you stand up.

You watched just to be sure he fell asleep and, in no time, his eyes were closed and his breaths were steady as he fell back asleep.

"Please don't ever grow up." You whispered. "I love you so much."

Beomgyu smiled and kissed your shoulder.

"Promise you'll wake me if he cries during the night?" You asked him.

Beomgyu had no intention of doing that because you needed some time to rest and recover from bringing a little human into the world.

But he nodded, knowing that you'd never get back into bed if he didn't.

"Yeah. Come on, sweet girl. Let's get back to bed."

You took slow, careful steps as you returned to the bedroom and with Beomgyu's help, you got back into bed.

"There we go." He whispered as he covered you up. "Get some sleep."

"Okay." You said as he laid down beside you and curled up close to you, still hesitant to hold you too tight since your body still ached.

"You're such a good mom." He whispered. "I know I've told you a thousand times since the minute you went into labor but I just hope you know that I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." You smiled. "You're a great dad."

"Thank you." He whispered and kissed your forehead. "Get some sleep."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, baby." He said as he watched you fall asleep, so in love with you and the beautiful little family you created together, so far.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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