chapter 2

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They were successful in hiding and being undercover since they breached the wall when they were kids, they were in the cadet corps now, a few years into it, if Ymir was going to be honest, She was slightly surprised they were able to hide for this long.

"Can't believe I'm surrounded by these devils" Ymir thought, mentally disgusted. Sitting in front of her was a small girl, looked at least 16, long blonde hair that reached just past her shoulders, pale skin, beautiful blue eyes, her lips a perfect shade of pink, She could go on and on about how beautiful his girl was. It was just that Ymir noticed she didn't mean a lot of kindness, She seemed too much of a 'kind person' to possibly be genuine, She seemed like she was hiding something. Ymir just couldn't pin point what it was.

Jean and Eren are fighting again, She teared her eyes away from the girl in front of her and turned her head to face Jean, who was behind her. Eren was on another table, they were yelled at each other. Both stood and started to brawl. Ymir got bored, so she turned back to Krista who was just leaving with some bread and water in her hands.

Ymir had followed Krista outside of the cafeteria. She was giving the food and water to a brunette named Sasha who would eat anything she could count as edible, so that's almost everything. She had eaten a potato in front of Shadis earlier, She offered half but it was visibly smaller than the one she had, so she was sent off to run until the sun disappears. By doing that she was nicknamed 'Potato girl' by the 104th.

It was clear she would dislike the nickname when she found out about it, Ymir wouldn't be surprised if her guess would turn into a fact.

"Hey, what are you two up too?" She said, once she revealed herself from the dark that was only fought back from a single, small torch. The girls were startled by her sudden appearance, however, Sasha had started gobbling down the bread for the life of her. She ate it quick, Ymir wasn't surprised in the slightest if she was going to be honest. "Well, uhm, She was running all day, and-" the blonde said, on her knees since she was knocked down by a Savage Sasha smelling food after a day of running non-stop. Ymir could admit her voice was angelic, it looked like it fit her, her figure, her height, her voice, her extreme 'kindness', seemed like everything a man would want in a woman.

But then again.. Who would want a woman who doesn't act like themselves? Who would want it be with someone who does everything to please others? Ymir didn't know who would and whoever does is an extreme losers and that would be a fact.

"So, from you're trying to be nice? Really?" The brunette replied, Sasha had passed out on her lap from exhaustion, most probably. Or the other reason could be food related, Ymir didn't care what the reason was. The blonde gave Ymir a look of confusion, the wind blew against her hair, it went smoothly with it, once it lost the flow of the wind it settled, a few strands landed on her shoulder, the breeze was cold, almost enough to make Ymir shiver.

"Seriously though, what's the point of giving that random act of kindness to somebody like potato girl? It doesn't matter who you give it to in my opinion. It just gets you nowhere at all." She added onto her previous statement, her voice raspy and scratched against her throat from not talking in a while.

Something in her stomach was fluttering, She just blamed it on something like the nervousness and fear of being corrupted by an island devil like the two in front of her. She had no idea how long she could stay here for so she kept her distance.

She sighed, "whatever" she mumbled, She put Sasha's arm around her shoulder and looked at Krista who was visibly confused.

"I don't understand, what are you doing? Being nice?" She asked, leaning forward a little to try and understand what Ymir was doing. Ymir scoffed.

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