Chapter 1

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"What do you think they're talking about?"

Garcia is peering through the blinds, along with the rest of the team. Whenever Erin showed up it usually wasn't good news. Hotch looked a bit aggravated, which was saying something since he rarely ever showed any emotion. Erin turned after some words said, and the team scattered around. She walked off, heels clanking on the floor. When Hotch stepped out, Rossi came to his side almost immediately.

"Doesn't look like good news. " Rossi stated.

"We've got a case, and a new member." Hotch nods to the team, and they all follow to the room. Standing next to the table was a woman. The second she caught sight of the team members, her eyes sparked. Moving closer she reached out a hand, successfully dropping the folder in her hand.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." 

Dropping to her knees, she gathered the papers, standing up with a huff.

"(Y-Y/N) Black, nice to meet you all."

Hotch just stared, unimpressed.

"Ms. Black will be joining us as a consultant." 

You couldn't tell if he was mad about it or not, because his face gave nothing away. Apparently everyone here was used to it, because they just took their seats. All heads turned to you, and you fumbled, rushing to a seat.

"Sorry, what do we have?" You asked. Garcia sent you a smile, clicking the button as she went over the case. Each of them offered they're own statements on what it could be, and you listened intently, making notes.

"Anything you want to add?" Rossi asks. You look up.

"The attacks are impulsive, so it's clear he's younger. Adolescent. Consistent wounds indicate something personal. From the way they were done, precise, he's done this before. They should look into deaths in the tri state area. He's not smart enough to hunt outside his hometown." A few of them look impressed, but Hotch's expression hasn't changed.

"Wheels up at thirty." 

They rise and you follow a bit clumsily.

On the ride, Rossi is sitting with Hotch. They glance at you from across the jet. You're buried in the case file.

"What do you think is Strauss's play?" Rossi questions.

"She says it's a recommendation. No ill intentions."

"You believe her?"

Rossi already knew the answer to that question.

"There's some political agenda here. It's not the first time they've come after the team."

"It probably won't be the last. Hotch we'll be fine. We're a family, we'll get through this. Besides, she seems harmless." 

You dropped a pen, and Rossi chuckled as you bent over, spilling the contents of your folder on the ground.

"That's what I'm worried about." Hotch voiced.


Through your pursuit of this unsub, things felt normal. It's clear that Hotch was blindsided by your arrival, but he'd remained completely professional. He didn't shoot down your ideas, or belittle any inputs you had. 

Your assessment was he was more focused on saving lives than his discontent with the situation. The only time you could sense anything was when you were in close range. It wasn't that he disliked you per se. More like he was trying to protect something.

"I'm sorry."

You're in the office where the photos are set up. Most of the team was interrogating while the others were surveying the scene. Hotch and Reid stayed back to narrow down the location. When Reid stepped out, you approached. Hotch raised his head, that blank look on his face. The only real change you saw was the raise of his eyebrow.

"I-I know me being here gets in the way of working the way you'd like. I appreciate your professionalism. I've heard a lot about you and your team, I have to say that it doesn't do you justice. I hope we can work together." 

You hold out a hand for him, and Hotch straightens. For a moment he looks at your hand, and moves to shake.

"Hotch we got a location!" Reid comes pacing inside, and you turn.

"Let's go." 

You nod, following behind them. The drive to the location feels prolonged. You know it's mostly nerves. Nothing more.

The police have surrounded the old house, and Hotch straps on his vest.

"Let me come with you." Hotch's jaw clenched.

"You're not trained to be in the field. You're a consultant."

"I also have the best insight on this guy. I can help sir, trust me. I know how to get inside his head."

You mean that in more ways than he knows.

"Hotch we don't have time, we need to go now."

Morgan insists. Hotch gives you a look, and you nod, pulling on a vest, taking a gun for good measure. It was true this wasn't your area, but you could feel so much. Letting them go in there without the proper guide could mean death.

The team splits up. You go with Hotch through the front. JJ and Morgan take the back. Spencer and Reid utilize another entrance. Every step Hotch takes is calculated, and you mirror it. You've gone through the training. Your hope was just you'd never be placed in such a situation. You were an empath at heart. You took no pleasure in violence. Hotch does a primary check of a room, and when he opens the door, you can hear a struggle. He barges in, and so do you.

"No one else comes in!!"

The yell of your unsub makes Hotch inch closer. Both of your guns are drawn as you point it at the male.

"You don't want to do this, trust me." Hotch warns. The woman he holds is blind folded, and sobbing. You swallow.

"This is all her fault, she left me. She did this!!" He pressed the gun deeper into her neck, and the cries increased.

"Jeff, that isn't Sarah. Sarah died two months ago."


You groan, and Hotch glances in your direction. You look like you're in pain Jeff stares in confusion.

"What's wrong with her!?" He demands.

You look up with pleading eyes.

"Please just let her go. I know why you're so angry, it isn't because she left. It's because you wanted to die with her in that accident." His hands tremble, and you take a step closer.

"You kept hoping that it was a dream." you speak. He raises a hand to his head, scratching it.

"How are you doing that...what.."

"Take me." You say, and he looks up in shock,

"Take me, " you repeat. Hotch is confused, but soon Jeff starts saying it.

"Take me, take me TAKE ME!!"

The both of you shout simultaneously. He drops the woman and before you can make a move, he raises the gun to fire at Hotch.


Jeff grunts as his body flies back as he slams into the wall. You fall back as the bullet echoes. Jeff appears unconscious, and Hotch rushes to your side. He signals backup to run inside, and the second they breach the door, Morgan and a few others come bolting in. The authorities secure the area, and you're unsub. Morgan drops to Hotch's side, and you look up at them with a thumbs up.

"D-Did we stop him?" 

Morgan can't help but laugh. He can see the ambulance helping the injured woman out.

"We sure did, good job Rookie."

Now that they get a good look, it's clear that the bullet had hit your vest. Hotch is looking at you in interest, and you do your best to remain neutral. You knew after it was all settled he'd have questions.

Ones you aren't sure you're ready to handle. 

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now