Chapter 27

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"Can you hear me?"

You swallow.

"Clear as day."

"That's good. Your mind is only as strong as your body. I'm sorry if I've been pushing you too hard. I just feel better knowing that you're fully equipped to handle any threat. Even if that threat is me."

"You're not that person anymore."

Your words are resolute.

"It's true you could have lightened up with that body slam, but no pain no gain right."

"I need to find out who you keep getting these sayings from and put a stop to it."

You giggle to yourself, and Reid gives you a look. Clearing your throat, you divert your gaze.

"Dad, I've got to go. Code Blue."

"What the heck's a code blue? You need to stop with this cop talk I'm not a profi-"

His words are cut off when Morgan walks over to your desk. You have your phone in your hand, and he wears a smirk.

"Texting your boo?"

Thankfully that was a good cover.

"Nope. I was just reading a funny article. "

You pocket the phone.

"Whatever you say." 

He sounds like he doesn't fully believe you as he walks away and you sigh.

Since your powers were growing, you needed to progress with them. You'd been taking both physical and mental measures. Your father was agile in both fight and power. So there was no debate on whether he could help you. So far the both of you had been determining the radius of your telepathic connection.

He was currently at a coffee shop, five miles away. That seemed to be your limit at the moment. It was great progress. When you started you could only feel him when he was in the same room. At the very beginning if he didn't announce his presence, then you had no way of telling where he was. You'd grown so close to him. Not to mention his promise to make a change. He'd sworn to you that he would refrain from using his powers to smite. That too was a work in progress. You were very proud.

"Any word from Hotch?" You ask Reid.

You'd just closed a case. The three of you were at the Texas precinct waiting for Hotch, Prentiss and JJ to return with the unsub.

"They should be coming up any second now."

The elevator dings, and you turn. Hotch walks in with a man in cuffs, followed by JJ, Prentiss and a few other officers. The detective working the case looks like he's able to breathe easier. Hotch makes the exchange, passing over the unsub, and the detective nods. You stand, moving over. There has been a stop momentarily, the sadden expression of the killer's wife was something you all had seen many times.

"She has a gun. (Y/N), protect Hotch!"

You flinch at your father's words. Hotch's back is turned, and your eyes widen as they begin to lead the woman's husband away. She lifts her hand, and you scream.


He doesn't truly have a chance to react, you sprint, tackling him to the floor at the very moment the gun goes off. It echoes, and every officer in the precinct reacts. Both your bodies hit the floor, and you can hear voices yelling as they restrain the wife. You're on top of Hotch, and you brace one hand on the floor as you use the other to search him for injuries. Your palm runs over his face looking desperately for any kind of wound. Your eyes plead for his safety.

"H-Hotch are you okay!"

His eyes open, and he stares back into your worried gaze. Your face is so close to his, and he's breathing steadily. You survey his body briefly, right before your eyes move back up to his dark orbs.

"I'm okay..."

It's somewhat of a whisper. He looks a bit dazed, and you smile, letting out a breath of relief. You're still unimaginably close, and you appear to realize, because you pull away hurriedly. You rise, and so does Hotch, just in time to see them lead the couple away. The team races to Hotch's side.

"Hotch, are you hurt?" Morgan asks. Hotch shakes his head.

"I'm fine thanks to Ms. Black." You rubbed your arm bashfully. Morgan is wearing a wide grin.

"That's some reflex you have. I barely saw you move until you were both on the floor. Good job."

You nod.

"I'm just glad you're okay Sir." 

You refuse to look him in the eye.

"I-I think I might have bruised my elbow, I'm going to see if I can pocket some ice." You make quick movements in the opposite direction, and as you're walking away, you do your best to get your hand to stop shaking. For a split second, you really thought you would lose Hotch.

"Dad..Thank you so much.."

He can hear the gratitude in your words.

"Anytime Sweetheart." 

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now