Chapter 29

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"Oh, it's like he gets cuter every time!" Garcia gushes.

Jack runs right into Garcia's awaiting arms giggling. Hailey smiles from her spot, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.

"Thank you for doing this Aaron." He shakes his head.

"Take your son to work, I'd never miss it." She smiles, and he returns it.

"S-Sorry I'm late!"

The female voice calls from the elevator. Hotch turns, and so does the rest of the team. Morgan laughs.

"You're good, we'd hate to watch you fall because of your eagerness." You flush. He was right. When Hotch informed everyone he'd be bringing Jack to work today, you were ecstatic.

"Look what I got."

It's a makeshift FBI badge. There's a little clip, much like the ones you wear. Jack pulls away excitedly. Running to your side. You lean down to give him the little toy.

"Aunty (Y/N)!!"

You're a bit stunned when he wraps his little arms around your neck, hugging you happily. Everyone looks relatively surprised. This was your first meeting, yet he was acting like he'd known you for a while now.

"I missed you." He whispers.

You pull back to stare at him. It was strange, it was almost like he remembered you.

"Thank you for saving my mommy."

You gape.

"Jack you're..."

He nods, with a grin. You're astonished. You can't stop the smile that spreads on your lips.

"You're welcome."

"Are you guys speaking telepathically?" Morgan jests.

Jack places a finger on his lips.

"Shhhh, it's a secret."

They start laughing. Hotch's stare has now settled on you.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Black. Aaron has told me a lot about your work on the team. Jack also seems to be in love with you." Hailey giggles. You stand, reaching over and shaking her hand. She pauses for a moment, like she's studying you. The smile on your face is brilliant, and Hailey finds herself smiling too.

"It's nice to meet you too. May I just say that you are beautiful. Hotch's description doesn't do you justice. I see where Jack gets his looks from." Hailey blushes at the compliment.

"Well thank you. I like her Aaron."

Laughter fills the hallway, and Jack takes your hand.

"Can you show me around Aunty (Y/N)." You look back at Hotch and Haliey. They nod, and Garcia gasps dramatically.

"I've been betrayed."

He shakes his head cutely, and she waves. You attach the little badge to his shirt. You both take off as the team slowly disperses. Hailey is standing there watching you chat happily as you walk down the hallway.

"Aaron, maybe it's just me but there's something about her. "

Hotch listens attentively.

"It's hard to explain. It's similar to what I felt like when Foyet was..." She took a breath, and Hotch rests a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know what it is but I just feel as though I can.."

"Trust her."

Hotch finished.

If Hotch felt the same, then her gut had to be right.

He didn't need to question it anymore. Of course when you joined, he was on edge. This was Strauss's doing. But he could not feel any ill will from you.  You got along with the team beautifully. Like you'd know them all your life.

"Maybe she's a guardian angel." Hailey jokes.

Hotch smiles.

"Maybe she is." 

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now