Chapter 4

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There were rarely dull days at the BAU. Garcia was going over the most recent case. Everyone pretty much rushed in. The only person they were waiting for was you. All of them each made an input on what the unsub was driven by, and Morgan's statement is the one that has them all thinking.

"We need someone to get into the class, but none of us fall in that category. " The sound of the door opening causes Hotch's head to turn. You stagger in, bag hanging off your shoulder haphazardly.

"S-Sorry I'm late."

They all now have a look in their eyes, and you laugh nervously.

"Umm, is something wrong?"

Rossi smiles.

"Looks like we found our next potential date."

For a moment you think he's joking, but their stares say different. You already know you're not going to enjoy this.


"A dance class! Are you kidding me?! I'm the least coordinated human being on this planet."

"Don't worry, it's a beginners class, so if you do terrible they won't know the difference. Besides, Hotch is taking the lead on this one. Our unsub targets couples with an Alpha male. This works perfectly. " Rossi's words don't bring you comfort.

"How does that help me? I'm just a consultant, I'm not even fully authorized in the field. Right, Hotch?"

"Actually, if the circumstances call for it, I can have you operate in the field. It'll be a lot of paperwork, but nothing I'm not used to."

This could not be happening.

"I'd like to sign my letter of resignation." Morgan and Prentiss laugh at your theatrics.

"Don't worry, I've done this before, it'll be a piece of cake."

Easy for her to say, she's not the one on a mission with Hotch.

"If you're really uncomfortable, we could find someone else." You knew it would take time to get another agent. You were already updated on the information, and as it stood, this killer wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"I'll do it." You mumble.

Garcia cheers.

"Great, pack your bags, you're gonna need it."

So much for a leisure weekend.


As you land, the team makes their way to the hotel to drop off their items. LAPD had already gotten everything set up, they were just waiting for you all. It's a short trip to the police department. After the greetings and short evaluations, Hotch lays out for the detectives on the case. Everyone appears on board with the idea. So you head to the locker room to get changed. Prentiss walks inside, sending you an encouraging smile.

"Are you nervous?" You nod.

"I never planned to ever be in the field like this. I choose consulting because it helps me to be at the forefront where I can operate and observe efficiently. Undercover field work isn't my area. "

"It's brave of you to still take it on. Hotch has faith in you. He'd never choose you for the job if he didn't think you were capable. "

"I feel like you're giving me way too much credit."

"I'd be guilty of that, but not Aaron Hotchner." She pats your shoulder, walking off. It was nice to know he trusted you with this. All the more reason why you were a bit tentative. Screwing this up could cause someone's life. Closing your eyes, you try to focus. Clearing your mind, you exhale.

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now