Chapter 5

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"Garcia, where's Ms. Black. "

"Oh sir, she's sick. She sent in her leave this morning. The forms should be on your desk. She'll be out for the week. "

"Thank you." 

Hotch knew there was really no need to worry, yet it felt strange. This was the first case he'd walk in on that you weren't fumbling into. Or dropping something.

"Well let's get started. What do we have?"

The day carried on. Three nights in Vegas after wrapping up a case, and everyone was ready to call it. Luckily they had a weekend to look forward to. That following morning, Hotch had told himself he'd go and see how you were coming along. 

There hadn't been much word. Aside from what the team said. Almost all of them had sent a text or two to ensure you were okay. Garcia even offered to stop by, but you'd managed to deter her against it. That's what sort of worried him. So as he approached your door, he knocked.

"Ms. Black."

His call received no reply. He knocked again, waiting patiently, but there was no word. Placing his hand on the knob, he twisted, a bit surprised that it was unlocked.


He called again. Stepping inside he closed the door, immediately shocked by your body that was laying on the floor.


He dropped to the floor, checking your pulse, cradling your face in his arms.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)!!" 

Your brows furrowed, and soon your eyes were opening. Looking up you stared at him in confusion.

"H-Hotch?" You rubbed your eyes, and Hotch loosened his hold as you sat up.

"I-I thought you were laying on the floor." 

It took you a moment to collect yourself. When you realized, you groaned, placing your face in your palm.

"I'm sorry sir." 

It looks as though you were about to explain, but then you sneezed, and your body pivoted into the air. Hotch shuffled backwards, clearly not expecting it. With a huff, you dropped your arms as your body stayed pressed to the ceiling.

" this normal?" He officially had no idea what was going on.

"W-Whenever I get sick my powers just go a little crazy. It's why I took the week off. I can never tell what will happen. I figured it would be bad if I started levitating objects in the middle of a government office."

Bad was an understatement. Hotch watched as you tried to crawl your way across the ceiling.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, whenever this happens my body doesn't stay elevated for very long. Pretty soon I'm going to-AHH!"

Your body dropped, and you landed on the couch, not before rolling off right onto the floor. Another pained grunt followed, and Hotch had to lecture himself to keep a straight face. It felt like he was in a cartoon. Pulling yourself off the floor, you grabbed a tissue from nearby, blowing your nose with a disgruntled look.

"Why were you on the floor when I came in?"

You inhaled. 

"I was disassociating."

"That's a torture tactic."

"I know. For most people it's used to endure pain. In my case, it helps to block out the voices. That little hovering trick it's hard to control. Since my powers are mind fueled, I need to keep it in check. I placed myself in a trance of sorts. My body sort of has a mind of its own, so there must have been a reason why I ended up out here. I guess it's where I feel the most calm." You head to the kitchen, and Hotch follows.

"You shouldn't leave your door unlocked, especially with all you're capable of. "

"The door?" You picked up a cup from your cupboard turning back to him.

"What are you talking about? I didn't leave the door open." Hotch's shoulders tensed.

"It was unlocked."

You shook your head.

"That doesn't make sense. The second you opened that door the alarm should have set off." You point to it, and Hotch notices the blinking light. It dawns on him that apparently your security system wasn't as secure. You walked over, clicking the buttons.

"It's not disabled, and it hasn't been tampered. " This was getting weird.

"Then why didn't it go off?"

You weren't sure. The only thing you could think of was maybe..

"I wonder if it's possible that my subconscious felt him coming and it.." 

Your thoughts trailed off, and you looked over at Hotch. He's studying you, and you flush.

"That's weird. I'll have a chat with the company tomorrow. " The ding of the kettle made you turn.

"Would you like a cup of tea Hotch?"

"I'm fine." 

He politely declined. You sniffled again.

"Probably for the best. You wouldn't want to catch this." 

Pouring your drink, you place the kettle down as you mix in the honey and lemon tea bag. Sipping at the drink, you let out a content sigh. Hotch smiles. It was entertaining sometimes to watch you. Removing the cup, a question pops into your head.

"By the way, why are you here? Did you guys get a tough case? I'll help in any way I can." You rest your mug on the counter and Hotch steps closer.

"There's no need for that . I just wanted to make sure you were alright. When Garcia told me you denied her visit I thought something was wrong. With what little they know, I just needed to be sure."

He was worried about you. It was kind of sweet.

"Thank you for checking on me sir."

"You don't have to thank me."

This was nice. Sometimes you forgot Hotch was just a regular guy. His personality exuded anything but. You were the one with powers, yet Hotch is the one you saw as a superhero.

The little itch in your nose makes your face scrunch up.


You slammed back into the ceiling, and Hotch jumped this time. With a defeated sigh, you lowered your head.

"My life sucks sometimes."

This would never be something he could get used to. 

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now