Chapter 1|A shopping trip

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Diana Barry and Ruby Gillis decided to go downtown of Avonlea to go on a shopping trip. They decided to get things in the general store to see if there was anything they wanted was there first. A lot of people weren't out since it was squelching hot in Avonlea. The summer was coming to a stop which meant school was soon, so this would be the last time that Ruby and Diana had any time to go shopping. School had been tougher on them with lots of homework, studying what you want to be, and deciding on college.  As Ruby and Diana found nothing in the genral store they decided to leave and try and find a new shop that caught their eye.

Ruby and Diana left the store looking around if any store caught their eye. Jerry who was across the street looking at the girls decided to say hi. "Hey!" Jerry yelled across the dirt road, as Diana turned to the sound was heard she saw Jerry waving his arm at them. Diana nugged Ruby as she saw Jerry. "No. Diana, no we cannot be talking to someone like him!" Ruby whined as he came over. "Why hello Jerry!" Diana greeted him with a smile. "Bonjour Miss Barry... And Miss Gillis!" Jerry said to be polite. Ruby wasn't paying much attention since Jerry had liked her or he still does. Ruby doesn't really know; her heart belongs to the one and only Gilbert Blythe.

As Diana and Jerry were in their deep conversation, Ruby wanted to leave so bad. The only way to drag Diana away was to a different store. "Hey! Diana looks at that store!" Ruby cheered as she dragged Diana to the new store. "Bye Jerry!" Diana waved. Jerry just looked confused as ever, "Au Revoir!". If you didn't know, everyone HATED Jerry, they hated the Cuthbert's farm boy. The boy was just awkward all the time, shy, and was very poor. Jerry was probably one of the lost ranks in Avonlea, which was helpless poor.

As Ruby and Diana walked around the town of Avonlea Diana finally snapped, "Ruby! Why do such a thing? Very rude of you." Ruby thought for a second but finally said, "Well, plenty of reason. One, helpless poor, two we cannot be seen with him! People will make fun of us, and I don't think you want that!" Diana took a deep breath as she walked with Ruby to her house, "Well, it's better to be kind! And who cares that he's a helpless poor! He's very kind you should try talking with him." Ruby swung her head to look at Diana with wide eyes, "Seriously Diana? That boy likes me! I will not talk to a helpless poor who likes me!" Diana just rolled her eyes and continued walking towards Ruby's house.

As Diana walked Ruby back to her house Diana looked at Ruby as she walked in, Diana was very disappointed in Ruby. Sure, Ruby was always like this around the poor. Like when Anne came around, she hated Anne until she had to stay over the Cuthbert's for 3 days. Diana really hopes Ruby can warm up to Jerry so they could be friends. The more Diana thought about it they would be a cute couple. She will try and get them together to be friends, she went her Anne Shirley-Cuthbert's house to tell Anne about everything.


A/N: Hey guys! This is my first book, and I will probably post a chapter every day, please comment what you think about this book so far and just comment anything please! Plus, I'm very bad at writing so don't mind. I also have a hard time with grammar lol so if you see anything that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. <33 (Sorry that it's so short, hopefully I will get better at writing because I also write all the time) Words: 650

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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