𝑩𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒑𝒔(Yandere BF x Reader)

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 (I do not own the image above, also in this oneshot GF and BF aren't dating and S/O mean                                                                                    significant other)

You were always a big fan of BF you, almost every time he beat boxed you were there. Although you were a big fan you weren't in love with him as you were already in a relationship with someone amazing, but you liked BF for his rap and music skills. every time you watched him beep and bop you hoped that one day you could verse boyfriend in just one rap battle and one day you got your wish

you were walking down a alleyway alone in the middle of the day looking down at your phone and not watching where you're going. until you bumped into someone making you both fall to the ground. "Oof! Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going..." You look up and see the blue haired rapper himself! You smile in surprise and stand up quickly before helping him up "Its you! Its really you BF!"

He reached his hand out and shook yours before smiling at you "Beep!" "I-I just can't believe this! I'm a big fan of you BF! I love your beatboxes and rap battles against people! Like daddy dearest!, Pico! Mommy Mearest! and all the others! I'm a huge fan!" You were ecstatically explaining how much of a fan you were and how much you enjoy his songs going on and on for minutes before stopping yourself a light blush across your face "S-sorry was I going on for to long? You're probably busy so I'll get out of your hair... but before you go can I ask one thing of you?" "Beep bop!" "can we beatbox? just once? I'll leave right after I swear!" "Bop beep Bo" He pulled out two microphones and threw one to you keeping the other one in his other hand.

You caught the microphone and held it tightly As music started from somewhere in the alleyway and he started beat boxing. You couldn't believe that this was happening you were almost about to miss the notes from excitement but composed yourself as it was your turn to mimic him. You copied every one of his notes almost missing a few but getting every note. happily congratulating yourself as boyfriend smiled, a very small blush on his face that wasn't noticeable.

After your rap battle with BF you hang your head low, shyly and shamefully as he had totally destroyed you in the battle after the first song. You raised your head up and gave him the microphone back "That was amazing! Ill do much better next time we meet. See ya soon BF" You turned around and started to walk away until you feel a hand grasp yours making you turn around and see BF holding your hand before quickly letting go and blushing "Beep Bop!" "Oh its alright, Is there something you want?" You asked a bit confused. Maybe you dropped something. "Beep bo!" He pulls out his phone and ask you for your number so the both of you can stay in contact, In case you two ever wanted rematch "Oh, Of course!" You take his phone and put your number in it before handing it back "Maybe you can teach me a thing or two next time we see each other haha" "Beep!" "Alright see you soon BF!" you turned around once more and continued to walk. Today was a great day. 

You arrived home and going inside to your living room to and seeing your S/O On the couch "Oh Hi S/O I thought you would be at your house. Let me tell you about the amazing day I had! You gave them a big hug before telling them all about you day, especially with your rap battle with BF you went on and on before you finally stopped as they planted a kiss on your cheek and got up and telling you they're going to make you dinner and walking into the kitchen making you smile and walk up the stairs and getting changed into your pj's before laying in bed playing random games until you accidentally fallen asleep. 

When you woke up your S/O was cuddling you as you look up into their eyes blushing and smiling "Sorry, I feel asleep for a bit-" They kissed your forehead and told you it was ok and that dinner was ready. They got up and went downstairs as you followed closely behind and sitting on the chair as you two ate happily...

Once you were finished you washed the dishes as your partner kissed your cheek and told you they were gonna see you later. As they put on their jacket and blew you a kiss before exiting your door. You go upstairs to your room and close the door falling right into your bed and cuddling into your pillow falling asleep once more.

You wake up and yawn looking at the clock its 9:28AM. You rub your eyes and start getting up going to your bathroom to do basic bathroom necessities like washing your face and brushing your teeth. Once you were done you went back into your room and changed changed into a gray pair of jeans and a long white shirt and putting on your jacket. You go downstairs and open up the door stepping outside and taking a nice breath of the fresh air before you look down and get a phone call from BF! 

"Beep bop!" 

"Good morning to you to! Whats making you call so early its like 7:40..."

"Bop beep Bo!"

"Oh? you want me to come with you to get a coffee? Sure! I'd love to! wheres the place at?"

After he told you where the coffee shop went you told him you'll see him soon and started off towards the shop looking up as you looked for it. After a few minutes you arrive and walk in the smell of coffee of all kinds and sweets made you take in a deep breath as you exhaled before feeling a tap on your shoulder making you turn around and see BF.

"Beep!" "hello to you to BF." He pointed to a table with two chairs and walked over to them, you following close behind "Beep bo?" "Oh no I don't actually like coffee but the smell is nice. I'm really only here for a cinnamon bun or something." He looked at you and smiled "Beep bop bo."
"You don't like coffee either? Then why come to a coffee place... we could've gone to a bakery or something haha." You laughed at yourself before boyfriend shrugged his shoulders and said he'll just get a cinnamon roll to. As he goes to get up you stop him and tell him you got it and go up the the counter. The cashier looks at you "Hi welcome to Starbucks! What would you like?" You asked for 2 cinnamon rolls as they put in the order. They looked to the side of you and pointed at BF "and anything for your little boyfriend right there?" a bright blush grew on your face as you quickly corrected the cashier "N-no hes not my boyfriend w-we're just friends and h-hes getting one of the cinnamon buns." "Oh my mistake" they quickly went back to standing up straight and got the pastries in a bag handing them to you "enjoy!" you payed them what the two cinnamon rolls costed and walked back towards BF and sitting down.

"Beep bop?" your face flushed red once more as he asked why you were blushing at the counter "O-oh I was blushing because they said you and I were dating but I corrected her don't worry!" He blushed as you said that making you both laugh as you watched both your faces turn red once more before handing him one of the cinnamon rolls. You take a bite and moan slightly in bliss as the warm sweet treat infiltrated your taste buds with sweetness and warmness. Bf looks at you and giggles before taking a bite of him a similar reaction as his eyes sparkled as he took more bites of the tasty treats you doing the same both of you soon finishing the treats and picking up your trash and throwing it away before walking out "So where to now BF?" He pondered for a second before speaking again. "Beep bo!" "The park? I haven't been there in a while... Hopefully its empty at this time since its so early in the morning" You followed BF to the park and sat down on one of the benches luckily you were right and nobody was there.

You looked around at the empty place just sitting peacefully on the bench looking up and closing your eyes thinking to yourself that you could fall asleep here before a tap on your shoulder made you open your eyes turning to BF as he held out a mic "Oh another rap battle? Sure! Lets hope I do better than last time hehe"  you took the mic softly from his hands before he started singing a nice smooth beat as you copied it.

You actually did better this time. Mostly due to the face boyfriend went easy on you but you still missed a few notes making you giggle "Well I did way better than last time! But you went easy on me!" He looked at you and smiled "Beep Bop." he said he swear he didn't before laughing, you laughed along side him as you lay your head back like before and look up at the sky watching the clouds past by before you get a phone call on your phone. BF looks at you confused before you take your phone out of your pocket and look to see who's calling you and realizing its your S/O "Oh hi honey Hows your day been?" You talk on the phone for a bit before telling them you'd see them later and hanging up the phone. You turn to look at BF who was looking down silent. "Hey umm BF are you ok?" He lifts his head up and looks at you a smile on his face, But something was... off about the smile "Beep bop?" he asked who were you on the phone with still giving you a weird off smile "Oh that was just my S/O maybe we all can hand out sometime in the future. I'd think you two would make perfect friends." The creepy smile on his face quickly faded as he got up starting to leave "H-hey BF where ya going?" he said he was  just not feeling very well and that he needed to go home getting up in a hurry before exiting the park.

You watched him confused as he exited the park "Maybe he his stomach had a bad time with the cinnamon bun... I hope hes ok." You get up and exit the park as well, not seeing boyfriend anywhere as you walk back home still a bit confused with your hands in your pockets. going inside and straight upstairs as you call BF to make sure he was ok. he picked up quickly and you started talking

"Hey bf are you ok? you left pretty fast, Did you forget to turn your stove off or something? you jokingly said before you heard BF speak

"Beep bop bo..."

"Oh so the cinnamon bun turned on you?" You asked chuckling and jokingly


"Oh well I hope you get better soon buddy. See you later BF" 


You hung up the phone and layed on your side and checked the time. it was 2:41 "Hmm out longer then expected." You stayed in bed for a few more minutes before deciding to take a light nap.

you woke up and looked at the time. the bright light from your phone making you wince as you stared at the time "4:30, I'd say thats a pretty good nap." you get up and start walking towards your kitchen going down the steps before hearing a knock on your front door "Oh must be S/O" you go and open the door before seeing the blue hair of bf making you gasp "Oh hey BF I thought you said that the cinnamon bun made you not feel well." You crossed your arms and pouted. He rubbed the back of his head nervously and said that he felt all better suddenly and wanted to apologize for running away from you like that. "Hmm Its ok. Wanna come in and watch a movie with me?" "Beep!" He quickly went in and sat on the couch "We can start once my S/O gets here, They should be here in a few minutes" His happy demeanor suddenly turned silent as he stayed still you sat on the couch and started scrolling through movie options for a few minutes, you were very picky with movies until you found one you liked but heard you S/O knock on the door quickly getting up and running to the door opening it as your S/O gives you a tight hug.

You welcome them inside as they kiss you on the cheek and sitting next to bf on the couch. BF didn't say a thing or look at them at all. "This is gonna be so fun! Ill go and get some snacks!" You run into the kitchen and start looking through your cabinets for snacks and drinks but all you had were spices and cans, no snack foods in sight realizing you had to go to the store "Hey guys I gotta go to the store to get us some snacks, You two behave now! oh and S/O can I get your keys? I kinda gotta use your car hehe-" Your S/O reaches in their pocket and throws you the keys, you catch them and wave them goodbye before closing the door and going to their car and opening the door getting in the driver seat and heading off to the store.

You arrived at the store and went for the snacks isle instantly before realizing you didn't know what they both wanted as a snack as you dailed it your S/O's number nobody picked up "huh? they must be really engrossed in the movie..." you put your phone back in your pocket before grabbing you and your S/O's favorite chips and some bags of popcorn to pop into the microwave then going towards the drink isle. before grabbing you and S/O's favorite drinks and going to the cash register and putting the food and drinks on the moving belt as the cashier scans you items you look down at your phone luckily this only took about 10 minutes, drive included, you looked up again to give the cashier the money and carrying the bags back to your S/Os car and driving back home.

You opened the door only to be surprised to not see BF and your S/O on the couch so your turn around to the door closing it and locking it and lock it "Hey guys are you trying to scare me or something cause it won't work!" You start chuckling to yourself until you reach the kitchen your eyes widen in shock at the site in front of you making you drop the bags you had. 

Blood covered the kitchen floor as you see your S/O's lifeless corpse on the ground BF sitting on their chest covered in blood as he turned to look at you clutching a bloody knife in his hands, his eyes widening in shock and surprise as he dropped the knife on the floor and stood up walking over to you. you wanted to run but you were so stunned by the situation that all you did was stand there as the murderer got closer and closer until they were right infront of you and started crying before hugging you tightly "Beep bop bo! B-beep bo bep bop!" He started spurting out a messy confession from his lips telling you how much he loved you despite only knowing you for a day and a half he couldn't get you out of his head. and kept going until he looked up at you tears still in his eyes.

You finally snapped out of whatever trance you were in and looked down at BF your shirt covered in blood from BF's hugging he raised his hand up and cupped your cheek smiling as his face was wet with tears and blood. 

"Beep. Bop?"

Do you love me back we're the words he said as he awaited your answer. You shoved him back with force making him stumble back and slip on the blood covered floor "LOVE YOU? YOU KILLED MY S/O! I COULD NEVER LOVE A MONSTER LIKE YOU! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" You went for your phone before getting tackled by BF despite his smaller size you were caught off guard and overpowered by him. you struggled roughly as he sat on your stomach and tried grabbing your arms before giving up and taking out a cloth from his pocket 

"Beep bop..." 

What did he mean he didn't wanna use this? whats on that rag? You questioned yourself before he stuffed the rag over your mouth and nose as you inhaled from all the struggling you were doing you suddenly felt really drowsy as your struggling stopped as you opened and closed your eyes a happy smile from a blood covered BF was the last thing you saw before your eyes gave way to the chloroform sending you off to sleep. 

"Beep bop~" 

went through your pocket and took out you and S/O's keys. He then kissed your cheek and picked you up dragging you off towards your lovers car and putting you in the back, unlocking the driver side doors and stepping it pressing on the gas and driving off. Ready to start you and his new life. 

𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 (Yandere FnF Oneshots X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now