𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒅(Yandere GF X Reader)

483 11 3

(In this one BF and GF are recently broken up)

She had made a mess of her room. Items thrown around and broken from her angry sorrowful rampage. she smashed and ripped up picture frames. pictures littered the ground that were ripped right down the middle splitting apart her and BF. She jumped on her bed and screamed loudly into her pillow for 10 seconds straight before stopping to breath and then continuing to cry heavily.

Why? was all she could think of. Why did he leave her? Why did he do this? Why. Why. Why. Unanswered questions floated around inside her head bouncing around her already messy and saddened mind. She wondered and questioned and cried out. questions in her mind that were never to be answered. Was there someone else? Did everything they've been through, everything they've done. Every kiss, every hug, every "I love you" ever exchanged. did it all just mean nothing to him?

She continued to cry until there were no more tears left to cry. she was breathing heavily as she got up and looked around her destroyed room looking down at the only none destroyed picture of her and BF left. A Christmas photo of the two which she gripped tightly in both hands. Ready to rip it to pieces before stopping and sighing heavily then putting it down before laying back on her side and cuddling into her pillow and falling asleep. Already being tired from her angry sorrow filled rampage of destruction.

She woke up and rubbed her eyes looking at the digital clock on the stand of her bed. Its was 8:32 just a little bit after 8:30. She shuffled out of bed and went towards the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She was a complete and utter mess, Her hair was all ruffled and messed up, her eyes were still slightly red from her crying last night, her face covered in dried tears and her throat felt dry. She started off by washing her face well enough to make it seem like she hadn't had a mental breakdown last night, She combed her hair to the best of her ability's and doing a pretty good job at it, and finishing it by brushing her teeth. She walked out the bathroom and changed into a dress that wasn't soaked in tears.  She decided the first thing she wanted to do today was fix up her room.

she had gotten a trash bag from downstairs and started picking up various broken objects and throwing them in the trash but keeping some of the ripped up and broken pictures and throwing away the rest. Once she was done she threw the bag in the corner of her room and exited the room now knowing what she what else she wanted to do today since she mostly was with BF all the time she didn't know what to do. Her stomach rumbled hungrily answering the question of what she needed to do for the moment. she went down her steps and went into her kitchen deciding to pour herself a bowl of cereal since she didn't feel like feel like making anything big for herself. She grabbed a bowl and some milk and a box of cereal pouring in the cereal first and then the milk, grabbing a spoon from the sink and eating. 

She looked down into the near empty bowl of cereal that she had finished rather quickly a look a startled and surprised look on her face as she saw a smiling BF Inside the bowl before rubbing her eyes as the face was gone maybe she was still tired. She quickly put the bowl in the sink going to wash it later. she needed something to get her mind off BF. She putting on her heals and went outside quickly covering her eyes as the sun lights rays blasted into her eyes making her slightly hiss. She started walking down her street looking around at the places her and BF used to visit. The alleyway they fought Whitty in, The restaurant Tabi blew up, and all the others, everything light blue reminded her of BFs soft hair, light blue flowers, light blue cars, even a few people with the same blue hair color as BF walked past, she knew none of them were him but she wished at least one of them were to talk to him and see him at least one more time. She was about to start crying again but not wanting anyone to see her she quickly turned around and sped walked back home, opening it and then slamming the door shut and running upstairs tears already flowing out of her face as she threw open the door to her bedroom slamming it behind her as well. The tears started flowing once more.

She hated this, she hated herself, she hated everything that was happening she wished she could just rewind time and go back to what her and BF used to be, a happy smiling couple that loved each other and would go to hell and back for each other. her pillow was soaked in tears in just a few minutes her crying turning quieter as he sobs were replaced with snores as she cried herself to sleep not even caring about her cloths and her heels.

She woke up late at around 7:40 she got up and stepped right off her head doing something she hadn't done in forever. Go to a bar. She washed her face once more and softly combing her hair, she didn't look as bad as this morning which was good meaning she didn't need to do much work on herself before she left. she finished quickly and went downstairs and right out the door and walking towards the bar she didn't really plan on drinking allot tonight but she might just have a few just so she could get BF out of her mind at least temporarily. She approached the bar and heard music from inside of it hearing the most beautiful voice she had never heard in her life.  Such amazing words and soft words that sounded like heaven, they massaged her ears erasing BF from her mind completely in seconds. She hurriedly walked in to see where the beautiful vocals were coming from looking to her left and seeing a small area with you singing beautifully. Her face blushed a bright red as she saw your body she eyed you up and down for the entire time you were singing taking in every bit of your body. Realizing how creepy she looked she snapped out of it and kept listening to you sing she waited until your song was finished people clapped for you and went back to drinking and doing their things. You put down the mic and start heading for the door you had been singing for most of the evening and was about to go home until someone tapped your shoulder making you turn around. You hoped it wasn't a drunk person.

You see the a beautiful women in a bright red dress a medium blush on her face as she starts speaking, your face turning a bit red as well shes certainly not someone you'd expect to be at a bar 

𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 (Yandere FnF Oneshots X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now