Prologue: A fatal mix-up

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Hello. I go to Munoshitsu University, in Shinjuku, Tokyo. I have fairly high marks, although I've lost my fair share of sleep over school.

At the moment, however, I have to be going mad.
I'm in a dim, foggy room, with what I assume is a spotlight. Suddenly, I hear a voice coming from above me.

"Hello, Hero-san, unfortunately, you have passed on from your previous life."

Why was this girl calling me a hero? Sure, I could do Calculus, but I'm no hero.

That's when I saw her. She had long, flowing white hair that seemed to almost glow, with a pair of brilliant purple eyes that shone like a pair of amethysts. But strangest of all, she had a pair of pearl-white wings and a halo.

This wasn't some girl, this was an angel. I really did die, huh?

"How did I die?"

"You were quickly put to your end by a speeding truck."

A truck, huh? So, I was run over. I was still curious about something...

"So, what now?"

"Well, now that you have left that world, you can be reborn, or go to heaven, there is a third option, but not a lot of people pick it..."

Well, I don't really wanna be reborn, kind of seems really annoying to deal with, and I don't wanna go to heaven, it just seems really boring. So with no other option...

"What's the third option?"

"Alright. Seeing as you asked about it, I know that you'd prefer it. So, we know that heaven is... Well, a little dull, and being reborn is hard, so we have a third option for younger people who wouldn't really want either."

"Which is?"

"Reincarnation. We can send you to a fantasy world, with magic, of course, you will also be given a unique power to help protect yourself."

"So, that's why you called me a hero, huh..."

"Precisely, so, how about it, Hitori-san?"

"Who's Hitori? My name is Jiken Hoshi."

The angel stares at me in disbelief for a second, before summoning some papers which I assume to be legal documents. As she frantically shifts through the papers, her face turns bright red, as her eyes widen.

"Um... Hoshi-san, it appears we had a little bit of a mix-up. You were killed instead of Hitori..."

Wait, what!? Killed!? I thought it was an accident!

"What the hell happened!? And what do you mean by killed!?"

"Um... Uh..."

At this point this angel has completely stopped working. Her wings have folded inwards, wrapping her up in the process, and she's on the verge of tears.

"W-we were going to test what you people refer to as the Isekai method... Hitori-san seemed like the perfect candidate to test this method... So I may of... Abused my... powers..."

"Wait, wait. YOU sent that truck!?"

"Um... I-I believe so, yes... Oh... My boss is going to make me a fallen, isn't he..."

Crap. I actually feel bad for her, she's going to get kicked out, because she failed her job? I mean, don't get me wrong, messing up that bad is a bit of a problem, Unless...

"What's your name? You never said it."

"Um... Senri Riho... Why..?"

"Well, Riho-sama, I'll take the third option, and you can tell your boss you succeeded. It's a win-win situation"

"Um... Alright... If that is what you wish... W-well then!"

Riho-sama quickly regains her composure, as expected.

"Hoshi-san! You are being reincarnated into a new world! You will be given a unique ability at random! Your new life awaits, Hoshi-san!"

As she says that, I feel a tingling sensation as my body is gently lifted into the air and my vision turns to white. But just as the last of my vision fades, I see Riho give me a huge smile.

Her expression reads "Thank you." I smile back as I lose consciousness.

I awake on a grassy hill, with a bright blue sky above my head. Still feeling groggy, I check myself for anything useful. I don't find any tools, but I do find a note in my back pocket.

"Thank you for helping me out there! As a little surprise, say 'Open Menu!' -Hito"

Well, I have nothing better to do, so why not?

"Open Menu!"

The second those words leave my lips, a blue screen pops up in front of me.

"What the..."

On the screen it says my name, my job, which is currently set as 'Adventurer,' and my level and EXP, with both being low as possible.

I then make my way over to the inventory section of the panel, and see one thing.

'Iron Shortsword'
I touch the words on the screen, and my hand glows a brilliant blue. When the light dissipates, sure enough, there's a sword in my hand, along with a sheath, which automaticly attaches to my hip.

There's only one thing left to check, which is the 'Skills' menu. I open it, and there is only one skill.

'Object Creation'
'When used, the user may make any object they can think of, with size, scale and power dependent on the user's INT. These items cannot be sold, and this skill cannot be used to make Kahei.'

So this world's currency is Kahei, good to know. Also good to know, I can make anything I want. Now to try it out.

"Object Creation"
[What object would you like to create?]
[Creating 'Lvl 1 Wooden Shield']

A few seconds later, I hear a message in my head.
[Creation Sucessful. Item has been placed in your inventory.]

I go to check my inventory.

'Lvl 1 Wooden Shield (Creator: Jiken Hoshi)

As I take out the shield I notice it's perfectly fitted to my hand. So with my past life behind me, and my weapons in my hand, I set out on my new life.

That time when I got mixed up with an Isekai CandidateWhere stories live. Discover now