Chapter 1

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Scrolling through my phone I saw the app I was looking for, Instagram. I loved to look at creepypasta pages and see what funny or scary things they had posted up. Today I wanted to look up Ben Drowned pages. I typed in Ben Drowned and about ten pages came up. Going through them they had some funny memes and text posts but the last page came into view I was intruiged. "BDrowned2015?" I looked at the small bubble for his profile picture...Oh-my-ovaries. His was so attractive my emerald eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Golden hair reached to the lobes of his ears and he wore a green beenie over the mop of golden hair his tanned hand covered his eyesbut he had quite possibly the most attractive "bad boy" smirk EVER!! I went on to his page to find it was private and he had no followers and he was following no one in return. That's odd. I read his description, it said that he would only follow one person, one that he chooses. So I clicked the follow button and as usual the grey "Request" came up. So I went back to the home screen seeing some of my friends posting animal pictures and selfies. I clicked the sleep button on my phone and pulled out my laptop and pulled up Youtube. But my phone buzzed on the bright screen it showed a notification from Instagram. My follow request...was accepted. My eyes narrowed he accepted it? I didn't think I had chance. I opened the app and realized he also sent me a Private message. I opened it. It was a simple black photo like he took his hand, covered the camera and took the photo. It had a simple "Hey wassup"

I had to type back his phone was already alerted that I opened to photo. "Nothing much, so I...won? I guess" Wow I'm extremely bad at talking to boys aren't I?

"Yeah sure I guess you can call it that"

"So you like Ben Drowned alot don't you. I mean no offense it's just that you named your account after him and you do have a really cool picture as your profile pic." And I didn't get a response so I went back to my Laptop. But before I could type in a video title a message on the picture I was sent appeared. "Can I have your number? I want to send you something..." Red flags went off in my head I got dizzy and thought of all possibilities that could wrong with sending him my number. He could be pervert, could send me nudes I don't want. But there was always the option of blocking this guy and never talking to him again. Besides it's not like I've never seen a penis before. Tons of people with their penis as their profile pic tried to follow me and some kid hacked into the school video system and showed the sex tape he and his girlfriend made. I sent him my number and there was a pause. Then a notification on my phone said a number had sent me a video. I opened it, it has to be "Ben". When I opened it It was dark at first. When I played it a deep but not too deep, if you know what I mean, voice started talking "I know you think that isn't me but,"his thumb lifted off the camera and showed that same face in a dark bedroom with blood red walls and a black shag carpet, a large queen sized bed in the corner and a PC in the other. "Yeah this is my actual face, and yes my name is Ben." I could see his shirt now. It was once upon a time a t-shirt with a neon yellow light, the kind they have on beer lights at bars, and it was an outline of the tri-force of courage. But the sleeves and most of the sides were cut off so you could see a "sneak peek" of under his shirt. Thank god we aren't face timing right now. He would see my mouth drop and my eyes widen and would hear the sound of my brain squeeling and exploding. I got another text from the same number. "Hello?"

You:"Sorry I was away from my phone."

Ben:"Oh am I inturrupting something?"

You:"Not at all, that was actually a major lie I just can't believe what I'm seeing right now."

Ben: "You like what you see then?"

You: "I can hear you judging me through your message."

Ben: "No, I'm just flattered." I smiled, it was nice to finally be able to talk to a boy who actually wanted to talk. I could hear my dad walk into the house. "Sam, you home?"

"Yeah dad!"

"Mom's late and I'm gonna go pick her up. Her engine quit on her."

"Kay, see you later." as he grabbed some stuff from his room and walked out the door I hadn't noticed that Ben sent me another message, "Hey so I wanted to know I'm going to a P!atd concert in Smalltown, and wanted to know if you wanted to go with?"

You: "Can I take another friend? I can pay."

Ben: "Bring as many or as few as you want. And I'll pay. I bought like Six tickets but only one of my friends wants to go with so yeah." I was kind of dissapointed that he didn't think of it as date but kind of glad that he wanted to meet somewhere public.

You: "It sounds fantastic, when is it?"

Ben: "Tomorrow better get your friends!"

You: "Ahhh! I'll see you then!!!" I was on the edges of Smalltown my friend Magda lives really close to where the concerts are held so we were planning on just sitting on the outside of the open stage and hanging out. I left a note for my parents a note telling them where I was going. Mark and Amanda Killenger were very relaxed. We were a smoothly running family. My parents were free roaming kids. My Mom's mom passed when she was 12 and her father couldn't control her brother and the other two kids at the same time so my mom often left for short periods of time to escape with my dad who's father was abusive and his mother loved her second son more. While my dad was beaten his brother and mother could hide in the outdoor basement hidden under their porch. My dad was fine with this. He would rather be the punching bag other than his brother until he found out his mother didn't love him at all. So when he left for good he would get a newspaper to check on them. His brother eventually did the same as he did but Allan wasn't lucky. The police didn't believe him because of his youth and long story short my fathers mother was found beaten in a river three days later and when Allan grew up my grandfather was sent to life in prison for murder, but was never found for abuse. So my father lived in an abandoned house across from my mom and they fell in love. Went to college together, got married and had me here. As I left my house through the front door I remembered how many times I would do it through my window at midnight, always on the dot. As I ran to the dark black van in my driveway I pulled out my key. I hopped in, pushed the seat back a few inches and turned on the engine. I pulled out of our driveway and as I drove down the street I heard snoring. I stopped the car and looked back. My friends Magda and Raven were sleeping in the back. "Guys!" They woke up sputters and 'what?'s. "What are you guys doing here?" I rested my arm on the seat pulling back a curtain that revealed the back of my van. "I got in another fight with my mom." Magda grunted slumping.
"And when my mom started calling her we took bags," she pointed in the corner to red and black burlap bags stuffed full. "And jumped out the window." Raven smiled.
"Great so I'm stuck with you guys until the missing posters go up?"
"Nope, forever!" Magda beamed. All thoughts of the concert had left my head. "Oh my god, what did you fight over?!" Magda lifted her shirt high enough to show a Tattoo of a blood red scythe. "RWBY? Why?!"
"I don't know"
"My god, well I can't worry about that right now, we're going to that P!atd concert." I started the car again and started driving. Small-town was an hour away and oddly enough not very small. "Sam if we sit outside my lawn my mom-"
"We're going inside the hall." Silence. We drove for another ten minutes and as I'm making a right turn Raven poked her head through the curtain and asked, "How exactly did you get tickets?"
"A boy." now Magda was interested.
"WHAT?!" Both voices chorused.
"Ow my ears." I took my right hand off the wheel and rubbed the side of my head that faced the curtain. The next 20 minutes was filled with questions until I showed them his picture. The ride was silent until we reached the hall.

I'm following a serial killer on InstagramWhere stories live. Discover now