Chapter 2

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After reaching the Music hall I stepped out and called Ben. "Jeff Speaking, This is Ben's phone."

"Oh yeah, Hi this is Sam with my friends, Ben invited us?"

"Oh so you're the girl he won't shut up about, got it yeah we're at gate E" blushing I responded

"See you there in five." when I hung up I turned to see Magda and Raven looking at me like 'wtf?'

"It's nothing, stop looking at me like that, lady with the YouTube tattoo"


Jeff was hanging up the phone when I came back, "So did she call?"

"No it was that hooker we saw yesterday," he says, "Common sense is usually common Ben!"

"Oh shut up!" as I grabbed my phone he pulled out a pack of cigarettes , "Really Jeff? With all the running you do you're giving your self Lung cancer?!"

Rolling his eyes and lighting it, "Yes because of all things to kill me this is gonna be it, we both know it'll probably be Jane dude."

Just then Sam walked up with a girl with shoulder length RED hair. I'm not talking orange it was blood red, and she had to be close to six feet tall. "Dude look at the one with a banging rack." the cigarette fell out of his mouth, landing in a puddle. Then a third girl came from behind a car. She was ...normal. Normal black hair, normal pale skin, clean face, black square glasses, a small frame, with skinny but healthy features. When they got to us Sam gave me a high five and waved to Jeff, but she was avoiding eye contact. I looked at Jeff and he gave me the look that told me he told her something. Oh great. Heading into the concert hall I fixed my beenie. While I looked to see Jeff speaking to the red headed girl and Sam was speaking about how, Magda, I'm guessing the red head, got some tattoo. We got through the metal detectors just fine and found our seats but I knew that we would be jumping and dancing for the whole concert any way. We set our coats down and went and got some food and drinks. When Sam finally switched her attention to me she seemed to have a grin on her face from a joke the other girl named Raven told. We talked for an hour before the concert and there was never a moment of silence. I started to notice things that I wouldn't see in pictures. She would cover her mouth when she laughed or yawned. When I asked her about it she told me that in middle school her teeth were yellow no matter how much she  would brush so it just became a habit. She would also fuss with her hair alot it was really cute...what? I didn't say anything. Slowly I fell into a deeper pit of happiness and warmth provided by Samantha Killenger.

Sam's POV

We left the hall a few hours later with our voices gone and our smiles touching our ears. Reaching my van the girls hopped in and I turned to Ben. I was lost for words so my genius brain pumped this out of the the Thinker Factory, "Thank you" I just internally smacked myself. 

"It's nothing I'm happy you came." Okay that's it my brain has left the building. I jumped between the foot of space between us and hugged him. 

"You better call me after this you dork." I let him go and he smiled and walked away with a thumb in air and all I could do was stare...I hopped in the car and Magda was talking about Jeff. "He's just like me he loves video games and he loves the hardcore rock and metal I listen to. He swears alot and as he was leaving he gave me his number!!!!" I smiled and just as I was turning on the car, before I turned the key I heard a familiar voice call out from the parking lot "Jeff Help!" 

"Sam?" Raven touched the back of the seat. I reached over and grabbed the pistol out of the glove box "Stay here and lock the car doors" I got out and and crept through the rows until I saw Ben and Jeff. Someone else was holding onto Jeff by the neck pushing him against the back of a minivan Ben was on the ground a few feet away nursing a head wound. Though it was dark I could see that the kid, around Jeff's age, had brown hair and a deep voice that was soft but I could hear it just enough. "Did you really think you could fight me brother?" I had to go out there. "You know I'm a much better fighter than you and your boyfriend over there" C'mon Sam, you have the upper hand "But I guess I need to kill you now, and I have to kill french fry over there." I was running the procedures of the gun through my head, look down the sight and squeeze, "Ohh even better I'll get your pretty little dates, I liked the tall one and the blonde one had nice big-"

"Move and you die" my brain alerted to the sound of dates. I just met these guys fine my health would be over theirs I could call the police after he left, but if he layed a hand on my friends...

"Well speak of the devil. " He turned towards me and looked at me with bright Green eyes that seemed identical to mine and dropped Jeff. He coughed and coughed. Looking at me I looked at him, to Ben, and another time. Looking back to this guy. "Samantha wasn't it?" Jeff was crawling towards Ben "It's a pleasure" 

"I'm sorry to say I don't feel the same, you see these are my friends and I can't let you kill them." Oh yeah Sam he's shaking in his boots.

"Oh so little Jeff did make a friend, how delightful. My heart is melting." he laughed and ran a hand through his long brown hair.

"I would love it if you could just leave and I won't have to empty my magazine. Bullets aren't exactly cheap."

"Oh that's why I have this" He smiled pulling out a butchers knife.

"Drop it." I drawled it out like I was speaking to a puppy

"Okay," He turned and threw it at the blacked haired boy before I could shoot three rounds into his skull.

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