Chapter 3

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I almost curled up and cried, my eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as I stared at Jeff. The body of their attacker laying a few feet away slowly, turning to dust. Jeff turned his head to look at the knife firmly held in his hand. I fell to my knees, pain shot up my legs but I didn't care. Jeff was alive glaring at a butcher knife, and this other guy was disintegrating right before me. "H-how did you? Wh-what?"

"Thank you, but I suggest you just go home."

"Sam?! SAM!" I got a giant hug from Magda "We heard gun shots and we thought-" I pointed at the pile of dust floating away in the wind "What was the laser dust?"

"Try who," Jeff said looking at the wound on Ben's head

"You're telling me the pile of dust was a person?"

"I killed someone..." My body was shaking and I felt like vomiting and crapping my pants.

"Don't feel bad it was self defense" Jeff, after looking at the wound on Ben's head, pulled out a knife and a lighter and started heating the knife. "I have to cauterize this wound."

"No we need to get him to a-" Magda started

"I swear to god you better not say hospital."

"I was gonna say doctor but that works too." Magda said with an offended look on her face.

"No he can't go to a hospital, Do any of you have any whiskey?"

"Oh shoot, you know I got some for passing my driving test the other day but I chugged it." Raven spok for the first time this evening. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Brushing Dirt off my knees I got blood on my hands. "Shoot"

"Stop being smart asses and get me some liquor." The knife was slowly starting to glow, I rolled my eyes and ran back to the van, pulling open the door I looked and found my dad's hidden bottle of vodka. Hey kept it here for when I was driving and he would make himself a drink. Or so he told me. He's always been more of a beer fan. But I brought the liquor to Jeff and he dumped it down Ben's throat, then onto his head wound. As he dumped some of the bottle down his own throat he pressed the side of the glowing blade into Ben's skull. "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHooooooooooooooooooolly hell!!! What in the name of,"

"Hey you're awake." Jeff said with a look of relief, softening his eyes and a wide smile building a bridge between his cheeks.

"Hey." I knelt down by Ben's side

"What happened after I blacked out?"

"He's gone, but, we need to" Why was there hesitation? Do they think I don't know they have a dad?

"Yeah, c'mon help me up." He streched his hands out in front of him Jeff grabbed both and heaved him off the pavement. Ben reached down into his pocket for what I guessed were keys.

"I hope you people aren't thinking about driving after that, Jeff chugged half a bottle of vodka and Ben just had a head would and his fair share of vodka." I pulled my keys out of my pocket, "C'mon I'll drive you home." Before they could protest I turned to Magda and Raven and gave them directions, "Magda, Raven, I want you to go to the van and make a cot made of sleeping bags."

Stiffening and saluting they replied, "Yes ma'am!"

"C'mon you two lets get to the van."

"Sam, I'm thankful that you want to help but my, uh, dad doesn't like visitors." Ben said heaving himself onto Jeff's shoulder.

"I'll just drop you off in the driveway and leave." I pouted, "C'mon I never let anyone drive drunk, not if I can help it."

They exchanged looks, sighed, and finally gave in.

"Fine but NO COMING IN!" Jeff said sternly and Ben winced. God that head wound has to hurt like a bitch. I helped Jeff carry Ben to the van which was a few rows of cars away, but most of the cars were gone. Wait, you're telling me that gunshots were fired and no one called the police?

"So who was that?"

"My brother." Oh my god I killed his brother?!?!?!

"Jeff I'm so-"

"Don't apologize he was a serial killer and a pervert. He got what he deserved." It helped but I was still angry at myself. I killed this guys brother!

"So I hate to bring this up but you never say that...he died. You always say that he's gone, or got what he deserved, and I don't have a laser, why did he turn to dust?" Before he could answer Magda and Raven grabbed Ben's feet helped him into the van and layed him down on the sleeping bags and pillows.

"Why do you guys have all this stuff?" Jeff asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Magda and Raven don't have the best relationships with their parents. So they end up sleeping in my van alot." Jeff sat next to Ben with Magda on the other side of the cot and Raven hopping into the passenger seat. I turned the key and Drove out of the parking lot, after receiving directions from Jeff from the back I found the house that I easily could have found by myself. On a street where all the houses were one story beige houses, this was a three story tall mansion, that I only saw because half the lights were on, it was a black panther hiding against the shadow of the night, from the dull spotlight of the moon I saw pointed towers on either side of the monster house. "They live here? What are they drug dealers?" Raven leaned over to see the house. If it were any bigger her jaw would have put pedal to the medal and taken us far away. I left the car and help Jeff carry Ben bridal style. "Thanks for the help, really." Ben said hazily, going somewhat cross eyed.

"It was nothing, I live like three blocks from here." Jeff gave me a nod, and carried him to the house and I drove before their dad come out and beat me with something. As we drove in the headlights I could see someone standing in the middle of the road I pressed on the break pedal and honked at his lowered head. He looked up, and a muffled scream came from my lips came from my mouth. I don't know what it was, his glowing green eyes, his long brown hair that was blowing away from us, or the fact that there was a bloody gunshot wound in the middle of his forehead.

Jeff's brother was standing in the glow of my headlights with a butchers knife in his right hand, and his left hand hidden behind his back. Now his face...imagine all those crime shows where they confront the psychopath and he's got the biggest grin on his face and his eyes are like mirrors, but instead of showing you in the mirror they show every death, every failure, and all that remains inside you is the coming of death. No hope, no laughter, no memories, only death. "Oh my god, he needs a hospital!" Raven yelled reaching for the handle.

"No he doesn't." I said in a hoarse voice, it was him, a single tear ran down my face as I realized my gun wasn't with me. He pulled an all too familiar gun from behind his back.

"Who is this guy some prankster teen?!" Magda said peeking her head through the curtain.

"Get down guys."

"Sam?" as they sank down Raven's eyes grew in worry.

"You know that man I shot that turned to dust?" I couldn't stop the tears now, my sight blurred but I stared death in the face, Raven nodded. "Say hello, to the pile of dust who is currently holding my gun."

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