Chapter 6: Gliding licence

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Your PoV

Amber has taken me to the giant statue in the middle of Mondstadt to go over gliding rules

Amber: "it's important you read all of this if you want to get your licence"

"Alright.. this is gonna take a while"

Paimon: "let's get reading! Paimon is ready"

Me and Paimon look over everything Amber gave us to read. Including rules on where not to glide, techniques to glide safe and efficiently along with a few other pieces of information regarding the wing designed gliders

Paimon: "Paimon likes this one"

She reads over a story about a bird who wanted to learn to fly while I look over things about anemo slime take offs.. which are illegal for some reason.. wonder why


Me and Paimon eventually find Amber at the exam point

Amber: "great you are here! I take it you read through it all?"


Amber: "I know. Must have been a drag. I know.. I've been there"

"Got it done now so no worries"

Paimon: "there were some good stories in there too"

Amber: "I liked the one with the anemo slime take off. Apparently if you kill an anemo slime it creates an updraft that will send you really high.. I really wanna try it"
She says enthusiastically.. she is passionate about gliding it seems

Paimon: "no I mean the one with the bird who learned to fly"

Amber: "wait what? Let me see"
Paimon shows amber

Amber: "Aw shoot this is a story book I read as a kid.. it was meant to be a gliding manual I'm sorry. Must have picked up the wrong pile"

Paimon: "how did you mix up a children's story book with a gliding manual?"

Amber: "(looking embarrassed) it's because maybe deep down this fairy tale is what truly taught me how to glide.."

Amber: "what you lacked was not wind. It was courage that made you the world's first birds. Reading that gave me courage to glide, to be an outrider and to become the gliding champion of Mondstadt"

"That is oddly wholesome and adorable"

Amber: "a-anyway onto the exam"

"Right so I just glide around through those rings right?"

Amber: "you got it!"

"..alright.. I can do this.. right?"

Amber: "seeing how you can handle yourself in a storm this will be a piece of cake"

"I suppose you have a point"

Paimon: "good luck!"

Deep breaths.. deep.. breaths

I leap off the cliff face and glide around following the path through the rings until I land miss the last few. I land beside Amber

Amber: "not quite there.. try again. You need to focus on your technique"

"Ok.. ok I'm ready now"

Attempt 2. I go again following the path. This time when I land beside Amber I got through every ring

Amber: "I knew you could do it!"

"I.. I actually did it"
My genuine surprise is evident in my voice

Amber: "I wouldn't be so surprised considering your history with gliding already"

Amber: "now we just have one more flight part. Just back in the city. Let's go!"
She enthusiastically leads me back to the city as if she was a child showing her parents something

We get back to the city after around 20-30 minutes of walking and Amber leads me to the giant statue before telling me to wait a moment

Amber: "just wait here for a second while I set it all up"

"Alright then"

She sets up the rings again for me to glide through before she explains this part

Amber: "fly through every ring in the time limit and land just over there. I'll meet you when you land"

"Got it. Fly through rings, be quick then land simple enough"

Amber: "that's the spirit! Whenever you are ready"

Taking a deep breath I calm my nerves before leaping off the ledge and opening my glider. Gliding through the first few rings I find my rhythm. Only a few seconds left and 5 rings to go I soar through the air and through the rings landing beside a patrolling knight of Favonius, Otto, who saw me gliding and assumes..

Otto: "hold it right there Raptor!"
I look around to find who he is talking to before it clicks

"..who me? I.. who? What?"

Otto: "you are the thief Raptor. You cannot fool me"

Amber: "It's alright Otto. This is (y/n). I'm going through the gliding exam with them. Who is raptor?"

Otto: "my apologies (y/n), I was wrong to assume you are Raptor. Raptor is a sneaky thief who tends to get around by gliding so when you landed I expected you to be the thief"

"Is there anything I can help with? To help find the guy"

Amber: "we could finish your exam later for now we have a job to do"

"I'll get my spear from Lisa be back in a second"

So I run to grab the spear and Amber gets information from Otto before we head out to hunt for the thief

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